━━ prologue. 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

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 ▎ PUNISHER!prologue, hospital of death

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prologue, hospital of death.

━━FIVE YEARS AGO, SAVANNAH BAKER WAS a nice girl, with a good reputation amongst the fireflies in Salt Lake.

      They were her family, she grew up with everyone and they grew up with her. Being in a rebellion since you were born wasn't popular with others though especially fedra, Savannah was taught to shoot first ask question later. Savannah believed in the fireflies and the reason was:

    There was going to be a cure and the fireflies are going to do it. The news of an immune girl was shocking, Savannah found it fascinating she had to meet this girl.

    Rumours were flying around, she heard most of them from her friends Abby and Nora. Abbys dad was a doctor, an amazing one too. Nora was getting training from him, Jerry tried to convince Savannah to aswell but she was more of a fighter, a solider now if you must.

Savannah snuck out to find the girl in the hospital, there was no way they were letting a 14 year old teenage girl roam around in there freely. Hell no!

     Taking the quiet route where there was nobody in sight. It was a longer way but the only way in without being caught.

    Jumping down into a clothing store basement, where her and her friends usually snuck in and out of. There was a tunnel which lead straight to the hospital basement, it's where Owen would sneak out to smoke weed with Jordan.

    Savannah hated Jordan, he hated her. It's like he had a death wish for her. One day he left her stranded with a horde of runners, he ran like a coward. They despised each other.

    She shook her head, removing the memories of that day and carried on.

    As she got closer, playing with her switch blade. She heard sirens, she started to see the flashing red lights in the shadows. That's when she pulled her handgun out of her backpack, held it steadily in her hand.

   Quickly, she was in the basement. The only thing, she could here was the sirens, no gunshots or shouting.
The horror she saw as she opened the door into the reception area, the door was heavy as a lifeless solider laid against it. Dead everywhere. Blood seeping across the wooden floors.

     Her breathing was heavy, as tears welled in her eyes. The Baker had never seen anything like it.

     Holding her gun before her to look around corners which was no use as the water in her eyes was blocking her vision.

    Faces she recognised was everywhere, Savannah was a quiet girl. Never spoke to many, but she knew their names. Her mind was racing, where's everyone? Where's Abby? Where's Nora? Owen? Even fucking Jordan? Are they dead? Gone? Infected?

She cared for no one other than her friends, she ran for the stairs hoping to see anyone alive. Bursting through doors, to surprise anything that was there but there was nothing.

The sirens stopped, but the red lights kept spinning around, taunting her. The silence made her ears ring, her heartbeat thrumming in her ears too.

Savannah made it to the top floor, surgery.

    She carefully stepped towards a room, twisting the door handle and swinging it open.

Nothing, except a piece of paper which read:

The girl has a bite mark on her arm. No signs of infection. It's actually unbelievable, this is going change everything.

     The girl cautiously step towards the surgery room, Abby's dad dead and not to far not to him was her only parent, her dad.

     She ran over to him, crying, sobbing. He was stone cold, no sign of life. Entering rigamortis, this didn't happen to long ago, his blood was fresh. Dread ran through the girls veins, she was next.

Whoever did this was a monster.

The girl started to sprint down the hallways, nearly tripping down the stairs. Ignoring all the death surrounding her, the smell of the blood in her nose.

She finally made it outside. Toppling to the floor, trying controlling her breathing was impossible, she couldn't breathe.

      That's when someone grabbed her shoulders and said..

"I'm going to need you to breathe, kid." The texas accent rung through her ears.


𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now