━━ nineteen. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭

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▎ PUNISHER!chapter nineteen, the heist

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chapter nineteen, the heist.

━━ JESSE, ELLIE AND SAVANNAH WERE HEADED TO the ominous aquarium where Nora said that was Abby hiding out.

The trio ran into an WLF patrol which was in the way of their path. Jesse kept inquiring about Dina, so the girls just told him that she was pregnant. Dina would give them shit about it later.

Let's just say the theatre was really quiet when the girls left. Cat didn't speak, Dina just unlocked the door, breathing in pain and nausea.

While, Savannah was having second thoughts. Is an eye for several eyes too far, will it catch up the group at some point or Ellie in particular, or herself?

The group were wiping out the whole of Seattle, not leaving one member of a patrol alive.

"Guys, what if they come back for us? We are wiping out a lot of their people." Savannah mentioned as she climbed up through a broken part of the mall.

"These people aren't like us, Sav. They shoot on sight and we're doing this because of something they did." Ellie answered bluntly, kinda annoyed at the girls inquiry.

"But not all of them killed Joel, Ellie."

"Well, their friends fuckin' did." Ellie's voiced was laced with anger as they climbed up to see their path to the aquarium.

"Mhm—" Savannahs voice got lost in the rain hitting the metal roof.

"Jesus!" Jesse pointed out, as both girls stood up. The city was caved in, water took over the street. Drowning all the cars and building.

"How do get through this?" Savannah asked as she looked around the mess.

"We could use that road." Ellie eye line went to a road, which was filled with patrols. "It's pretty fucking far."

"Or we use that." Jesse pointed downward at a boat which Savannah her head.

"Yeah. That's better."

Savannah already started to get down on to the glass bridge, with a grunt. This dizzy haze still infected her brain every so often, the feris wheel meant the aquarium and it was so fucking far away.

𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑, 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now