Chapter 26

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No ones POV:

Damien stood in the doorway of the building with his eyes as wide as saucers as his gaze fixed upon the last thing he expected. (Y/N) was lay unconscious in the arm of a charger as he slowly approached. Soldiers swarmed around Damien holding their rifles up aiming at the charger. Damien couldn't move. His body shook as tears fell silently down his cheeks. The look of horror and worry spread over his face. 

(Y/N)'s hair lay along her face as her (S/C) skin was covered in old bruises and fresh scars. She was dressed in a plain pair of black denim shorts and a plain black short sleeved top. Her legs were hidden inside of casts and bandages and her arm hanging losely over the charger's arm.

The charger slowly placed (Y/N) down onto the soft grass where there was an envelope on her stomach now visible. Once (Y/N) was placed onto the ground the charger looked at Damien and gave him a nod before turning away from him and walks away and out of the compound. 

Once the charger was out of sight the soldier moved almost as fast as cheetahs as they swooped (Y/N) up and brought her inside. Damien snapped out of his daze as her limp body left his vision and he ran after the soldiers.

While running down the halls the envelope fell onto the floor and Damien picked it up. He opened the envelope slowly and shakily as the soldiers rushed (Y/N) into the hospital room they prepared for her. The doctors and nurses started examining her and checked her pulse. The room was filled with chatter as the soldiers stood at the edges of the room to stay out of the way. 

Just as a nurse was about lift up (Y/N)'s shirt Damien burst into the room breathing heavily holding the note from inside the envelope shaking even more than before with more tears streaming down his face.

"SHE'S PREGNANT!!!" he screamed out making everyone freeze in their tracks staring at him with eyes as wide as a deer in headlights. Everyone stood there in shock for what felt like forever, when in reality was no more than 10 seconds, making Damien go over to the main doctor and hand her the note which she read and her face became more pale the more she read. 

Once she finished reading she ordered the other nurses to get blood tests and other equipment aswell as wear masks and gloves just to be safe. Damien knelt beside (Y/N) and held her hand tight as he couldn't control the tears streaming down his face. His river lilly had finally returned but not in the condition he hoped. 

Damien stayed beside (Y/N) as the medical staff started examining her once again. He never let go of her hand and the tears kept flowing down his cheeks eventhough his face hung low, the feeling of fury and regret filling his mind and heart, the hood of his grey hoodie being the only thing stopping the others from seeing his utter despair.

After what felt like forever (Y/N) was lay in the hospital room with a heart monitor attached along with an IV bag attached to her arm pumping all the nutreients her and her child might need as Damien didn't know she was put into a medical coma to help with her healing.

Coach and Rochelle were in the hall talking to the nurses and getting all the information about (Y/N)'s condition so the could relay the information to Damien when he was more mentally and emotionally stable. Their looks of worry got more intense once they found out about the baby. These looks aimed at Damien but not wanting to push their luck by being in the room possibly unwanted they stayed in the hall watching them from afar.

After a month of agonising waiting Damien found out that his river lilly was finally being brought out of her coma. He had spent all day and every day by her side. He even slept beside her, holding her close so he wouldn't lose her again. His eyes, red from crying, fixed on (Y/N) as the nurse put injected the medication to bring her out of the coma into the IV line.

No more than 30 seconds later (Y/N)'s eyes slowly fluttered open as she tried to adjust to the bright lights of the hospital room. Damien burst into tears again and held (Y/N)'s hand against his cheek. She looked over at him and smiled softly at him and used her thumb to weakly and slowly wipe away his tears as they stared at each other lovingly. No words needed to be spoken to see how much they missed and adored each other.

Its now been 8 months since (Y/N) had returned home. Standing in the garden looking over the children playing stood the happy couple. Damien no longer wearing his usual hoodie but this time dark demin jeans and a bright blue shirt. His hand wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist pulling her closer as she smiled wearing a long blue summer dress as the sun beamed down on them on the warm sunny day. (Y/N) placed her hand on her now very large stomach showing how close she was to giving birth. She rubbed it slowly, clearly unable to wait to meet their precious little angel in this now hellish world they call home.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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