Chapter 5

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You shook your head. There was no time for questions. You stood up, collected your things, and headed to the bathroom.

Just in luck, hunter wasnt there. You smiled and walked in the bathroom and locked the door behind you. You placed your things on the counter and sighed looking in the mirror.

Your hair was a mess. Your make up now smudged and your body and clothes covered in blood. You took your clothes off and sat on the edge of the bathtub. You turned on the tap and grabbed a sponge.

You washed away the blood from your body unaware of the quiet purr coming from outside the door.


I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I looked through the key hole to check (Y/N) was okay. What I saw I did not expect.

It was every boys dream. There she sat. Her perfect soft (S/C) skin bare and glowing under the water and blood. She was naked. Her (H/C) (H/L) hair moved to the side. She looked amazing.

My face was hot. No doubt I was blushing. She looked like a goddess amongst the stars. I could feel my pants get a little tight and my face got even hotter. SHIT!!! I DIDNT KNOW THAT STILL FUNCTIONED!!! I ignored it as I was hypnotized by her perfect curves and figure.

(Y/N) was always the quiet one. When I wasn't infected I watched her from afar. We went to the same highschool. We were in the same grade but we were completely different people. I was popular. I was a musician. People loved to crowd around me when I sang and played my guitar.

I wrote lots of songs about her. She was my angel. Everytime that asshole Brock layed a hand on her I always wanted to kill him. But my river lily always gave him what he deserved. I saw their last encounter and chuckled as it unfolded.

She is the only girl I had ever fell in love with and I had the honour to be in the same classes as her. I'd sit and the back so she couldn't see me when I took in her image.

I loved it when she would sit at her desk and stare out the window in class. How the sun would shine over her (S/C) skin. The light dancing upon it. Her (E/C) eyes would sparkle and look alive. The small breeze from the open window would always blow her hair away so I could get a better view. It was mesmerising.

But obviously she was put in hospital. I never thought I would see her again. It's not like she would date me anyway. I'm way out of her league. I'm also infected and probably look horrific if I took my hood off.

I watched her finish cleaning her body and start to clean the blood from her hair. She looked amazing. My eyes wouldn't move from her. I hadn't even noticed the purr i was letting out.

I should get her something. Maybe i can find her some flowers or some candy.

I quickly leapt out the safe room making sure to lock it behind me as I set off on my quest.


You finished cleaning up and grabbed your towel and started drying yourself up. You looked in the mirror and chuckled at your hair. You grabbed your toothbrush and started to brush your teeth.

Once you finished you washed the make up off your face and grabbed your hairbrush. You started to brush your hair and pouted a little as some kept falling in front of your face. You sighed and started to get dressed.

You gathered your things, when you were finished you unlocked the bathroom door. You heard shuffling and when you opened the door there was nothing. You looked down to see a (F/C) headband and a few Roses. The roses were obviously fake but they made you smile.

You picked up the headband and went back into the bathroom and put it on. It helped with your hair problem and now you had no obstruction in your vision. That's when you noticed the bruise on your nose had gone. You smile before walking out with your things and holding the roses.

When you walked into the main room you could see hunter looking at you from behind the couch. It was as if he was hiding. You looked at him confused.

"U-uhm... a-are you okay???" You stuttered slightly, asking the hunter. Your face and eyes shown confusion and worry as the hunter jumped slightly in response to you speaking. It ran off before you could say anything.

That is one strange hunter.

Love Never Dies (l4d hunter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now