Chapter 16

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Your POV:

You opened your eyes slowly as you awoke. You groaned slightly and slowly sat up. The pain in your body had gone down and you sigh hanging your head down. Your (H/L) (H/C) hung down over your face. Pain surged through your head. It hurt like a bitch but you tried your best to ignore it.

You looked around and found that you was alone in the room. Damien was nowhere to be seen. Panic started to fill your heart and mind. You ripped out the wires and tubes again but this time you had more energy than before. You didn't care that you was in a hospital gown, you needed to find him. 

You stumbled slightly as you approached the door. Opening it you found that the corridor was fairly quiet. Doctors and nurses where at their stations and a couple walked down the halls with their clipboards. It was the perfect time to sneak out and find him.

Slowly and stealthily you exited the room and headed down the corridor. Your mind rushed with thoughts and ideas of his whereabouts. Your gut was screaming to check if he was with the others. You agreed with it and started walking towards one of the nurses stations. 

You hid around the corner and listened in on their conversation.

"Did you hear??? the kids are learning about the special infected today,"

"Oh??? which one???"

"I heard it may be the hunter. I can't guarantee it but it would be easier considering (Y/N) has one in her room,"

"It must be. I saw Coach go to (Y/N)'s room earlier. He walked out with the hunter and headed to the children's ward."

You smiled, knowing that Damien was with Coach eased some of your anxiety and fear. Coach and Rochelle were people you actually trusted Damien's life with. They were kind to him unlike Nick and Ellis. That doesn't matter now. You needed to get to the Children's ward and fast. 

You looked along the walls and ceiling to find any form of direction to the ward you needed to get to. You smiled as you found out you didn't need to sneak past the nurses station after all. 

Sprinting at almost 15 miles an hour you zoomed down the corridors and following the signs to the ward. After 1 minute your sprint soon turned into a jog, your breathing was heavy and you gasped a little for air. Your stamina had decreased while in that coma. 

You continued to the ward, pushing yourself past the limits you currently had. You approached the colourful walls and heard giggling from one of the rooms. You stumbled over there and what you saw made you stop in your tracks. 

Damien was smiling and playing with at least 10 children. His hoodie was no longer the deep navy he had but was now (S/F/C) and he had a mixture of unicorn and dinosaur duck tape replacing his old grey ones. 

He sat there with his hood down and played with a small figurine with 3 of the children who also played with various dolls and figures. They looked like they were having fun. Your worries, fears and sadness quickly washed away as your heart melted from the beautiful scene you were witnessing. 

Within seconds your vision started to blur and you stumbled but caught yourself by leaning against the doorway. You slowly fell to your knees and you heard an all too familiar yelp that was filled with concern. Damien leapt over to you and you smiled softly. He snuggled up against you and purred. 

A smile crept onto your face as you gently petted him. 

"I'm okay... I was worried about you." you said softly. The children all looked at you in worry and fright. 

"(Y/N)!!! What are you doing out of bed?!?!?!" Coach screamed in worry as he ran over to you and helped you to stand up without falling. You leaned against him and chuckled softly.

"Well I woke up alone and was scared something had happened" you admitted as a small smile crept onto your face. They journey here had tired you out greatly but the end result was worth it.

"Okay kids. Operation Shake is a go," Coach said as he looked towards the children who instantly stood up and started running around the room. 2 children had carried over a chair, another had carried over a blanket and wrapped it around you, others grabbed some water and a couple granola bars. 

You smiled as Coach and Damien lead you over to the chair and placed you down gently. The children gathered around and sat around you looking at you with wonder and concern. A little boy and girl no older that 9 handed you a bottle of water and the granola bars.

"Here, you will need this to help give you energy," the boy said as you gently took the items from them. 

"Thank you," you said thankfully to them as they smiled and sat down with the others. You took a sip from the bottle of water which helped to soothe the extremely dry throat you were unaware that you even had.

After a couple minutes of you eating the bars and drinking the water you started to feel a bit more human. You sat up properly and smiled at the children. 

"I am very grateful for your kindness. Thank you all" you said and the children smiled back.

"Okay kids, this is my friend (Y/N) and she has a few stories she could tell you about the special infected out in the world. When she feels better I'm sure she could come and tell you about her experiences and you could learn some tips and tricks. Does that sound like fun???" Coach said in a very soft and happy tone. 

The children immediately erupted in cheers and jumped up in joy as you smiled and nodded. "I don't mind. Got to make sure you know the best way to avoid getting yourself hurt hehe," you smiled. 

You felt happy being here. Maybe a few days of emotions will be good. Then back to nothing. That way everyone can be safe. Everyone.

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