Chapter 13

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Your POV:

You slowly open your eyes and was met with a bright white light. You groaned as your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness.

The sounds around you slowly became more audible. The beeping from the monitor, the shuffling of feet outside the door and the soft snores and purrs from the cage at the end of the bed.

You looked up slightly to see Damien fast asleep in a large dog cage. You reached your hand out weakly.

"D... d... dam... damien..." you said weakly. You coughed and groaned in pain. Damien heard this and looked up. The second he saw you were awake he shrieked as loud as he could. He claws at  the cage door.

You slowly try to sit up and cry in pain holding your side. You fall back on the bed groaning. Damien continued to shriek and claw at the cage.

Suddenly, 3 nurses and Coach come running in.

"OH MY GOD!!! You're awake!!!" Coach cried in relief looking at you.

You looked at the nurse who tried to move you back into a comfortable position. You had noticed a tray of needles beside you. A nurse came to close for comfort and you grabbed her and a needle. You leapt out of bed and held her close to you and the needle to her neck.

The other nurses screamed and backed away as coach held his hands up.

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!?!?! WHERE IS MY STUFF?!?!?!" you screamed at them. They all moved away from you shaking.

"Wow... (Y/N) calm down. We are safe here... we're at a hospital. You've been in a coma for weeks okay... we found you just before you were going to be killed by the charger. We managed to get you here so they helped fix you up..." coach said calmly.

The pain started running through your whole body and you started to shake but stayed standing and holding the needle to the nurses neck.

"Wheres my stuff... tell me..." you said as the needle almost pierced the woman's neck. She whimpered in fear.

"I-its in a box in the storage room!!! W-we had to throw away the clothes because of the state of them... w-w-we have more clothes you can have!!!" The nurse in your arm screamed.

You started to feel faint and suddenly the world started spinning out of control before going black.

Damien's POV:

She fell and dropped the needle and let go of the woman. Luckily coach had caught her and managed to place her back on the bed. She had ripped out all the wires connected on her so the nurses worked on putting them back in.

I kept whimpering as everyone left. One of the nurses came back and opened the cage.

"Keep her calm... please..." she said softly before walking out the door. I smiled and slowly crawled onto the bed with (Y/N) and purred. I smiled softly as I gently moved a few strands of her beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair away from her face and behind her ear. My poor river lilly...

I lay down beside her being gentle not to hurt her and purred softly and watched the doors. I need to protect her... she's mine...

Ellis's POV:

Fuck them... fuck him!!! I've tried not to see her... maybe if I pretended like I never met her I could forget her but I cant get her out of my head... I havent visited her in a week. I cant pluck up the strength to do so...

So instead I've helped around the hospital. I helped the farmers grow the crops, medical staff count stock, patrolled around the building... anything... anything but sit in the room.

I couldn't sit there and not feel guilty... I shouldn't have let her leave... it's my fault she got hurt. I cant look at her and him together either.

I love her and I dont have a chance with her because that undead FREAK!!! has her... I hate it... why does HE get to protect her and not me!!! Why is HE her guard dog???

I growled and punched the wall closest to me. I stood in my room and looked out the window. There was few infected out there. No special infected luckily. I stared outside and sighed.

Theres no winning... why am I even here if I cant have her... she was supposed to be mine... not his... life can be such a bitch...

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