Chapter 1

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Your fingers pressed against the cold metal trigger of your pistol. Your bullets made impact in the chest and head areas of the human shaped target you laid out 100 yards away from you.

You were training your skills. Making sure you were sharp and still capable of shooting a gun with great accuracy.

It was 6:30am and you decide it was time to call it quits. You placed your gun down after reloading it and headed upstairs into you home. The shooting range you made was in the basement of the home your family left you before they died. You walked into your kitchen and grabbed some fruit loops from your cupboard. You placed the box onto the side and grabbed a white bowl from another cupboard and started making a bowl of cereal for yourself.

Once the bowl of cereal was made you placed it down on the table and you sat by it. Your face held no emotion. It was absent of any expression. Your (E/C) eyes were dull and held no light. You looked almost dead.

You ate your cereal in complete silence. No noise emerged from your house. A ghost town.

Once you finished your cereal you picked up your bowl and went over to the sink and washed it. You sighed a little when you placed the bowl on the drainer. You dried your hands before setting off upstairs, the steps creaking quietly with every other step.

You went into your bedroom which consists of (F/C) walls and black wardrobes and desk. The bed was plain white and the room looked plain and dull. You went over to your wardrobe and looked through your clothes before picking out your outfit for the day and you lay it down on the bed.

 You went over to your wardrobe and looked through your clothes before picking out your outfit for the day and you lay it down on the bed

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 You walk out of your bedroom and walk across your empty hallway into the bathroom. The bathroom was decorated in plain white tiles along the walls and floor. You grabbed your (F/C) towel and placed it on the towel rack. You turned to face the shower and turned it on. You took off your (F/C) pyjamas and hopped into the shower. The water flows down your delicate soft (S/C) skin, highlighting all your curves. You wash your hair and body with strawberry fragrenced shampoo and body wash.

After 20 minutes the water had rinsed away all the bubbles and you turned off the shower. You slowly step out the shower onto your white bath mat, making sure you didn't slip, and reach out for the towel. You wrap your body in the towel and walk over to the sink.

You look up at the mirror and sigh before washing your face and brushing your teeth with a black toothbrush.

Once you finished you walk out of the bathroom and back into your room. You sit at your desk and grab your hair dryer. You started drying your (H/L) (H/C) hair. Strands of hair blowing around you as you dry it. The house silent other than the sound of the hair dryer blowing away.

With your hair now fully dry you give it a gentle brush as you decide to leave it down for the day. You grab your make up bag and put on some basic make up. Black smokey eyeshadow, black winged liner, some light contour and highlight, some light blush and a nude liquid lip. This was your normal make up look for when you leave the comfort of your home.

You walk over to the bed and start changing into the clothes you had selected earlier. Once you had finished changing you looked over at your alarm clock.

7:30 am

You walk out of the room grabbing a plain (F/C) backpack and head downstairs into the kitchen. You grab some ingredients from the refrigerator and start making something for lunch.

After 20 minutes of cooking you had made a chicken salad sandwich and a homemade smoothie. You had placed
The chicken sandwich in a plastic lunch box along with an apple, a banana and a handful of berries. The smoothie was put into a personalised bottle with your name on it. You placed both these things in your bag before closing it up.

You walk over to the front door and you put your shoes on and grab a plain black jacket before putting it on. You grab your keys and walk out the house and lock everything up. You sigh before walking away from your home and head down the street towards your next location.

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