Chapter 4

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You stared at the hunter in disbelief. You were frozen in place. You didn't even flinch when the hunter crawled up to you and stood up straight. He was at LEAST 6'4". You stared up at him amazement.

Next thing you knew he had placed his clawed hands on your soft cheeks and he was slowly moving his face closer to yours. You felt his warm breath graze your soft lips. His were about to touch yours.

You came back to reality and your face turned a deep shade of pink. Your eyes widened as you pushed the hunter away from you in embarrassment. The hunter fell back and crawled slightly closer to you making a noise that sounded like a concerned whimper.

You held the pistol up again aiming it at him shaking slightly. The hunter stayed where he was and just looked at you.

"W-what do you want from me?!?!?!" You shouted while your voice broke and you stuttered as you struggled to even speak. 'Was he about to kiss me???... h-hes dead... and I'm alive... I-I dont even know him' you thought to yourself. You were so lost in thought you handed seen the hunter approach closer and placed his hands on yours.

You looked at your hands and quickly ran away from the hunter. Unfortunately, the hunter was following your every move.

You hit a dead end and looked back at the hunter who was stood upright and slowly walked up to you. Your whole body shook in fear as you dropped your pistol and knife. The closer the hunter came the more you trembled and your eyes widened.

The hunter stood in front of you and placed one of his hands beside your head. You whimpered and tried to hold back tears of which came to no avail. You felt a long sticky object move along your cheek where your tears fell.

You opened your eyes to see the hunter head level to yours and he had licked your tears. You saw is greyish lips turn into what was a mix between a smile and a smirk. You could feel the fear taking over you. The hunter gently held your chin and moved his face closer to yours.

You could now smell the blood radiating off of him. You could see his sharp fang like teeth and how they were stained red. The dried blood that fell over his face. Then you felt him warm breath against your lips again before everything went black.

When you awoke your head felt cold. You opened your eyes to find you were in a bedroom. A large king size bed kept your body warm and safe from the night breeze. You looked around the room to find okay furniture and beige dull walls. You slowly sit up to find a cold wet cloth fall onto your lap.

You sighed and held your head.

"Please tell me that was all a dream... that a hunter didn't try to kiss me... I must be crazy" you said quietly before a soft purring sound snapped your attention to the doorway. There stood the hunter. The same hunter from your "dream". Your face went bright pink once again as you stared at him.

He crawls up to you and sits on the bed. You moved as far away from the hunter as you could on the bed. The hunter reached into his pocket and pulled out a can of baked beans, a plastic spoon and a knife and placed them in front of you before leaving the room.

You watched the hunter leave then look at the items he left. You smiled softly before using the knife to open the can and eating the beans.

After your quick meal you climb out of bed and sneak out of the bedroom. You go into the main room in search for your duffle bag. The hunter seemingly vanished from sight and you find the duffle bag on the couch. You smile and grab your toothbrush, toothpaste and a change of clothes before turning around.

When you turned, your gaze was met with hunters. You jumped and yelped in fear before falling on your ass. You looked up at hunter shaking before he slowly knelt in front of you and handed you a water bottle. You slowly and shakily took the bottle from him. He purred before running off deeper into the safe room.

You sat there for a while trying to determine why the hunter hasn't killed you yet and what he wants from you. Was he being nice??? Was he saving killing you for another time??? Did he have other plans??? You didn't know.

Love Never Dies (l4d hunter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now