Chapter 22

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Damien's POV:


All of a sudden there was a loud explosion out of nowhere.

Slowly I opened my eyes and the sight before me was out of a horror movie. Smoke and ash filled the air, debris was all over the place splattered in blood. Bodies and body parts scattered the ground along  with bullets. My ears were ringing loudly as I could see people frunning in all directions. Soldiers ran towards the wall shooting at the infected trying to get in. Other survivors were running back trying to find shelter inside.

I looked around me but something wasnt right. (Y/N) wasn't anywhere to be seen. She wasn't near the huge hole in the wall helping to protect the others and she wasnt with the other survivors. Panic and fear flooded my veins as I frantically looked for her.

Attempting to get to my feet I instantly fall down again. I look down and see that my leg was facing the wrong way. Growling, I crawl around trying to find my river lilly.

My hearing slowly starts to return and the sounds of screams and gunfire soon flood into my brain. Children were running towards the building along with their parents and everyone else who was outside.

Looking towards the hole in the wall I could see the common infected sprinting into the base and trying to attack the soldiers. The soldiers are firing back at them so the infected start to drop like flies but more kept coming. Some of the soldiers would fall into the jaws and grasp of the infected and they would rip them to shreds. Blood flew everywhere. It was horrific. The screams, cries and shrieks was all I could hear.

Something caught my eye more than the other things. The infected was tearing into the stomach of a body on the floor. That body was a young girl, not even 7 years old, and she wasn't breathing. No screams came from her. Her pink dress was destroyed and now stained in blood. Her brown hair was now matted and stained while the life in her emerald green eyes started to fade away. She died looking at me, tears streaming down her soft skin.

Something snapped inside me and I didn't care for my broken leg and I shrieked angrily and pounced onto the infected attacking the young girl. I land on one of the infected males shoulders and growl as I bit down deeply into its neck, my claws digging deeply into his head and shoulders. I rip off his neck and rip his head clean off. I look towards the other two infected and do the same to them.

Blood splattered everywhere as I take off my hoodie and very gently put it onto the young girl and hide her face by putting the hood up. Tears fell down my face as I carried her ever so carefully towards the building. This girl's life had barely started. This is why I hate the common infected. They don't have much of a brain and it infuriates me.

Once I get to the building entrance all I could see was a woman crying and screaming out a name, looking for someone. People ignored her and just pushed past her trying to get to safety. The woman had the same brown hair as the girl but had brown eyes. She was distraught and was desprate to find the person she is after. Her white shirt was now covered in brown and red stains and her jeans in a similar state.

"SALLY!!! SALLY BABY WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!" she screamed and I looked down at the girl in my arms. Her eyes were still open looking at me. Tears fell down my face as I gently reached my hand to her face and closed them so she looked like she was sleeping.

I approached the woman and she looked at me with fear and a little bit of relief in her eyes.

"Damien!!! Have you seen my little girl??? Please tell me youve seen Sally..." she said as she ran over to me and she slowly came to a stop a few steps away from me, "Damien whats wrong??? Why are you crying???" she asked her voice now thick with panic.

"Im sorry... Sally is... gone..." I said shakily as I look up at her. Her eyes falls down from my face to my hoodie and she quickly covers her mouth with a loud gasp.

"No... no... no that can't be... THAT CAN'T BE MY SALLY!!!" she screamed in disbelief. I slowly and gently pull down the hood to reveal Sally's now pale and peaceful face. She looked as if she was just sleeping.

The woman just fell to her knees and shrieked in horror. She sobbed her heart out and I didn't blame her. I gently approached her and gently placed Sally in her arms. The mother instantly held Sally close to her chest and continued to cry.

"H-how... how did she die???..." the woman asked me as she looked up at me with her red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I looked down and clenched my fists tightly.

"It was the common infected... I killed them but I was too late..." I explained, anger evident in my voice. She looked at Sally's face and just smiled.

"Thank you Damien... Thank you for trying to rescue my baby..." she said as she stood up and started walking inside with the others while holding sally close to her. This scene just broke me.

I walk back outside the building. Rage fuelled me as I walked towards the wall. Time to relieve some stress.

I join the soldiers and start tearing the infected apart. No more children have to die... no more survivors have to get hurt!!!

One by one I ripped the infected into pieces. That is until a bullet landed in my shoulder. I turn to look at the soldiers and they were all defending the area... so who the hell shot me?!?!?!

Turning the other way I saw a group of survivors with various guns and weapons heading our way. Great. Rivals...

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