Chapter 18

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Your POV:

You look down, your face flushed pink. You felt a hand softly pat your head. You look up again to see Damien patting your head softly while smiling sweetly at you. He leaned closer and softly placed his lips on your forehead, kissing it. 

He backed away a little and walked past you and out of the bathroom. As he leaves the room he purrs and closes the door behind him. You sigh slightly, releasing the breath you didn't know you were holding. 

He kissed you again. It must be the mating season for the infected... that must be it. You shook your head and removed your towel from your body and got into the shower. It had been a while since you had a hot shower. 

You washed all the dirt from your body and washed out your hair before stepping out. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smirked seeing your abs becoming defined again. You wrapped your towel around you before a knock came from the door. 

You slowly opened the door to see Damien now fully dressed wearing the black t-shirt and the dark green camo pants you picked out for him. He held out a neatly folded pile of clothes in his arms and handed them to you chirping. You noticed they were your clothes and smiled at him.

"Thank you Damien," you said as you gently took the clothes from him and kissed his cheek in thanks. You slowly closed the door again and started to change into your clothes. You wore a (F/C) short sleeved t-shirt along with a black pair of leggings. 

Once changed you put on the headband Damien had given you and walked out the bathroom. You smiled at Damien and ruffled his hair a little. He purred and rubbed his head into your hand. You walk over to the window and start observing the outside. 

The were children playing in the playground area, gardeners checking the crops, soldiers walking along the concrete wall watching for the infected, and some scientists grabbing some herbs to help them with their research. The camp was peaceful. It was nice.

Damien sat next to you and watched with you. He purred and rubbed his face on your leg. You smile looking down at him.

"You're such a cat hehehe," you giggle as you pat his head softly. His response was a purr. 

You went over to your desk and sat down grabbing your crochet hook and wool and started to crochet. There wasn't much to do so making clothes ready for the winter seemed like a good idea. You gathered plenty of wool while on the search for food. 

You started crocheting a (S/F/C) scarf as it was the easiest thing to make. You smiled as you hummed a little while doing it. Damien had moved away from the window and sat next to you watching what you were doing. He seemed intrigued. You smiled at him before continuing. 

Hours past by as you continued to crochet. Your attention was so focus on your activity that you hadn't noticed Damien become tangled within a ball of wool you had yet to use. He growled a little at you making you lift your head and look at him. His hands were tangled together along with his feet and the wool wrapped around his body multiple times in multiple places.

You giggled watching his try to get himself free but he just got himself more tangled. Standing up, you walked over to him and started to untangled him and wrap up the wool you had collected. It wasn't an easy task. 

It took 10 minutes before Damien was free again and you wrapped up the rest of the wool into a ball. You threw the ball of wool towards the rest of them and looked at Damien chuckling. 

"You're such a cat," you said as giggles escaped your lips.

Next thing you knew you was sat on top of Damien, your body against his and his hand on your head as your lips were crashed against his. He kissed you with such passion and love it made your eyes widen and you blush a deep crimson. He gently and slowly pulled away and smiled his toothy grin.

"Love you... (Y/N)" Damien said with his raspy voice. He looked deep into your eyes as you sat there struggling for words. He loved you... You couldn't believe that what you felt for him he felt for you too. You took a deep breath and looked away in embarrassment.

"I-I love you t-too Damien... I-I have done for a long time..." you said in a hushed tone. This was the first time you confessed your love to someone after all. 

Suddenly, your head was pushed into Damien's chest and he held you tightly but not enough to hurt you. He purred happily and rubbed his face on your head. He was clearly happy about it. You smile and snuggle into his chest and listened to his purrs and his heartbeat. The tune was so soothing to you that you slowly fell asleep on him.

A few hours passed and you slowly opened your eyes. You was no longer on the floor cuddling Damien but was now in bed under the covers. You slowly rubbed your eyes and looked around the room. Strange. Damien wasn't here.

Damien's POV:

"SHE LOVES ME!!! SHE ACTUALLY LOVES ME!!! I CANT BELIEVE MY RIVER LILLY LOVES ME BACK!!!" I mentally scream to myself in joy. (Y/N) had fallen asleep on me so I had placed her gently into bed so she could rest. 

Right now I'm on my way to find one of the others. I walk around the corridors looking for one of my friends. The other survivors look at me in confused, fear or disgust. I can feel the slight breeze on my cold skin as I forgot to grab my hoodie. I didn't care I just needed to find my friends. I need their help with something.

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