Chapter 2

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The walk through town only lasted 20 minutes before you arrived at your next location. The town was packed with people on their commute to work and school. You didn't interact with any of them. There wasnt any point. The location you headed to was the towns public high school.

You looked up at the 2 floored brick building and sighed. You hated school. You hated the students too. You walked in and walked over to your locker ignoring everyone around you.

In school you wear in your final year and you had no friends. You didn't see the point in it as you know it would just get in the way of training.

You took your backpack off and placed the books and homework that you needed into it until you was suddenly pushed over and you hit the floor with a thud. Snickering filled the air and you sighed kneeling up and looking at the person responsible for your fall. It was the school bully. He was tall, well built, brown short hair and brown eyes. He had a smirk on his face as he looked down at you. You attempted to stand up just for him to kick you in the gut making you fall down again. You didn't make a sound and just stood up.

"Seems you got some fight in ya huh???... well bring it on FREAK!!!" the bully shouted and an evil smirk appeared on your face. You clenched your fist and with one swift move you punched him square in the nose. That single punch made him go flying a few feet down the hall before landing on the floor.

You grabbed your things and headed to class ignoring the other students whispers and stares. Word spreads quickly in your school.

You make it to class and sit down at the back desk. Just as you sit down your head collided with the desk. You lift your head and grab a glimpse of the culprit before they rammed your face into the desk again.

"HOW DARE YOU BREAK MY BOYFRIEND'S NOSE!!! HE DID NOTHING TO YOU!!! LETS SEE HOW YOU FEEL TO HAVE YOUR NOSE BROKEN!!!" the popular girl screeched. She had long blonde hair that she styled with slight curls, she had blue eyes and pink make up. She was skinny but strong and had long pink acrylic nails that dug into the back of your head.

You didn't make a sound as she smirked and lifted your head hitting it against the desk one more time before leaving and sitting at her own desk giggling as she did. You lifted your head up and sighed before grabbing your backpack and taking your books out and placing them on the desk.

The bell rang signalling for class to start. The teacher joined the class and he smiled at everyone and began the lesson. 5 minutes into the lesson you saw droplets of a deep red liquid fall onto your book and your head started to feel fuzzy. All you heard was screams as you fell from your desk unconscious and everything went black.

When you awoke you found yourself in a hospital bed connected to some wires and tubes. The hospital was quiet. Too quiet. You looked beside you and found your clothes, backpack and phone. You opened your phone and gasp slightly. You had been in a coma for 3 weeks!!!

You grab your clothes and quickly changed. You run to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Your nose was bruised slightly with a small scar on it. The girl had clearly broken your nose and that must have been why you fell unconscious.

You went back into the hospital room and read your medical notes. It stated that you had surgery to fix your nose that went great, minus the fact you fell in a coma but you was expected to wake up. You sigh and grab your bag. Just as you did you heard a groan from outside the room you placed the bag on the bed and walk over to the door. You open it and a deathly grey man stood there and turned his head towards you. Blood splattered over him and dripped from his eyes, nose and mouth. He roared before lunging at you and pinning you down. You struggled in stopping him for biting you and you somehow kicked him off you, stunning him. You took the opportunity to grab the 6" switch blade from your knife before he pinned you against the bed trying to bite you once again. You fought off his attempts and managed to plunge your knife into his head making his body go limp onto of you. You pushed him off shaking your head.

"What's going on???..." you said to yourself. You put your backpack on, put your phone in your pocket holding tightly to the blade. You walk out the room not knowing what lies ahead.

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