Chapter 8

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Your POV:

You sat there for a while before you fell asleep. Waking up from a small coma and killing infected sure does take it out of a person.

When you slowly opened your eyes you saw you was in the bedroom. You felt a warmth from behind you and something holding you in place. You could hear the soft gentle purrs from the being behind you. You slowly and carefully turned to see Damien had took you back to the bedroom and was fast asleep cuddling into you with his arms wrapped around your waist.

His hood was down and his now soft fluffy hair fell in front of his face. He looked adorable. You smiled before cuddling up into him more and rested your head into his chest.

You loved his scent. It was addicting. The warmth coming from him made you never want to leave his embrace. His gentle breathing and heartbeat played like a lullaby and helped you slowly drift back to sleep.

Damien's POV:

After a while of sleep I opened my eyes and smiled seeing (Y/N) curled up and snuggled against me. It made me very happy to see her curled up like this.

I really did miss her. I thought I had lost her forever until I saw her walk out the hospital doors. I couldn't believe it so I followed her and indeed it was her. My precious river lilly.

I brushed a strand of her (H/L) (H/C) hair away from her face and behind her ear so I could see her beautiful features. Her eyes slowly opened but I could tell she was still half asleep.

All of a sudden she pinned me to the bed. She sat on my waist and pinned my arms beside my head. This made be blush deeply.

But it's the words I heard next that made me go over the edge.

"I... love you... Damien..." the soft sleepy words escaped her soft luscious lips and I couldn't take it.

I flipped us over so she was lay on the bed with me above her gently pinning her making sure my claws dont hurt her.

I lowered my head towards hers and softly but gently placed my lips on hers and kissed her. To my surprise she kissed back as we both blushed like ripe tomatoes.

The longer we kissed the more heated it got. She placed her hand on my cheek as she deepened the kiss. She seemed to be more awake now but I didnt care. I couldn't hold my feelings back anymore.

We kissed for what felt like hours and I gently placed my hand on her hip until I heard the safe room door barge open.

We suddenly stopped kissing and looked in the direction of the sound. I quickly got off of (Y/N) and growled slightly as I could smell their scent. Survivors.

Your POV:

You quickly stood up and shook your head to remove the blush from your cheeks. You quickly grabbed the knife from your pocket that you kept their for safety.

You walked out the room and closed the door behind me. They can't see him. If they are survivors they will kill him.

You walked into the livingroom knife in hand to find 4 more survivors. The female of the group looked at you and held her gun up and pointed at you. The 3 males all followed suit.

"Who are you and are you infected?!?!?!" The woman screamed and you smirked and threw your knife in the air and catching it by the blade with your other hand on your hip.

"Names (Y/N) and no... I'm not infected" you said smirking at them. You looked them over and you could see the youngest man blushing as he looked at you.

They slowly lowered their guns and sighed placing them down.

"Hello (Y/N). My name is Rochelle. This is Nick, Ellis and Coach" she said as she pointed to each of the men. Nick looked like a he just walked out of a casino in his best attire, Coach looked like... well a Coach for a kids sports team. Ellis looked like your typical young adult in jeans and a t-shirt. He continued blushing at you.

You put your knife in your pocket.

"Why are you here???" You asked the others and Rochelle happily answered. She looked like a news reporter.

"We are looking for the special infected. We want to kill them now before they mutate further" she said with a smile on her face.

Your heart stopped and fear took over your body.

"E-even hunters???" You said trying to hide your panic.

"Yep. Them especially" Nick said as he cleaned the blood from his gun.

You reached down and grabbed a shotgun from your bag and aimed it at the others. You glared as the others looked at you confused.

"YOU WONT HURT HIM!!! HES NICE AND WONT HURT ANYONE IF I TELL HIM TO!!!" you screamed the fear taking over.

Coach slowly came over to you.

"(Y/N) please calm down. Show me what you mean. I promise I will leave all my weapons out here. But please show me what you mean" he said as he placed his knife and pistol onto the table.

You slowly backed up towards the bedroom door with coach following as he keeps a safe distance.

You reached the bedroom door and you could both hear purring and you lowered your gun before slowly opening the door.

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