Chapter 20

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Damien's POV:

I followed her over to the flower garden and look among the various colours of flowers infront of me. It was almost as beautiful as (Y/N). A beautiful aroma filled the air around us as the flowers scents all merged into one.

There was roses in many colours, daisies, tulips, daffodils, sunflowers, lilies and even some flowers I didn't know the name of. The sight in front of me was like a rainbow had crashed into earth. A little bit of colour in the now dull dark world.

I walked around the flowers and sniffed near them in order to determine which flowers smelt the best. The brunette must of guessed what I was doing as she knelt beside me and looked through the flowers along side me.

"What type of flowers were you thinking in general Damien???" she asked with her voice filled with curiosity and intrigue. I looked at her and pointed at the roses with my clawed hand.

"Lilies too..." I said in a deep but less croaky voice. She responded by nodding and looked through the roses to find the best smelling and looking. She picked out a few deep red and bright red roses and brought the over to me.

"How do these smell Damien???" she asked as she handed the flowers over to me. I gently take them from her making sure not to cut her with my claws. I bring the roses to my nose and took in their scent. It was perfect. They smelled sweet like my precious River Lilly, their looks inadequate to hers but they were beautiful nonetheless. 

Looking up at the girl I smile and nod in approval causing her to smile like the Cheshire cat. She stood up and ran over to where the Lilies grew and started looking through them. I shortly follow suit. The Lilies looked just as good as the roses. They smelled just as good too.

Looking through the Lilies, I pick out around 5 that I liked the look and smell of. White and pink were the best smelling of the Lilies so I chose those in particular. The brunette seemed to have had the same idea and brought some more over to me. I chuckle a little as her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

"Well I think we have plenty of flowers to make her a bouquet. Follow me inside and I will get the flowers ready for you," she said to me with a smile before heading off back inside the building. Instinctively I follow behind her, stood up and walking with the flowers in hand. (Y/N) will love this gift. She is strong, smart, agile, mesmerising and so much more. 

Walking into the building I see Rochelle walking down the hall over to us with a huge smile and a red heart shaped box. Seeing us made her walk faster. Obviously I stopped in order for her to catch up to us. Her hair was a little messy now and she had a couple light scratches on her arms. It was nothing that wouldn't heal within hours. 

Once she had caught up we continued to follow the brunette girl into a room filled with ribbons, lace, plastic wrap and other similar materials. These materials covered the walls and filled boxes. In the middle of the room was a large table different types of gardening and DIY tools. There were scissors, plyers, a handsaw, glues, and other tools I don't know the names of. 

Rochelle showed me the box and opened it showing the chocolates inside. The box had (F/C) tissue paper inside it along with the chocolate making it look like the chocolates had their own nest. It was beautiful. On the top of the box was a (S/F/C) coloured bow placed just under one of the arches of the heart. 

I know that River Lilly will love these gifts. I want to show her just how much she means to me. Rochelle looked proud with what she made and she had every right to be. It was amazing and handcrafted with precision and elegance. It was perfect in every way.

After what seemed like forever, but actually was about 5 minutes, the brunette girl handed me the bouquet and I audibly gasped along with Rochelle. It was beautiful. The Lilies and roses complimented each other perfectly and the greenery helped make the colours pop. A pale pink paper was used to wrap around the beautiful masterpiece of petals and leaves which added elegance and purity to the flowers. Light silver ribbon was used to hold everything together. It was utterly breathe taking.

I gently take the bouquet before hugging her tightly and fighting the tears in my eyes

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I gently take the bouquet before hugging her tightly and fighting the tears in my eyes. She is gonna love them. The brunette almost fell back in surprise but eventually hugged me back.

"No problem Damien. Next time you need help with flowers just ask for Rebecca okay???" she said with a huge grin on her face while pointing to herself. I smiled back and nodded. Turning around Rochelle placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. Her eyes filled with pride as she spoke,

"Go get'em tiger!!!" she said with such excitement and energy it even made me feel more conifident. I smile back at her and nod before grabbing the box of chocolates and sprinting out of the room and down the hall. 

I cant wait for her to see these. I love her so much and and I want her to know that. Running down the hall I see coach heading the opposite direction to me so I quickly skid to a halt. Coach looked at me and chuckled before noticing the objects in my hands and with a cheeky smirk he said,

"Who are those for???" 

My cheeks turned a light tint of pink as I responded, "(Y-Y/N)..." I said a little nervous. Coach chuckled again and patted my shoulder as he walked past me.

"Good luck my friend. She's gonna love them," he said with a small chuckle at the end as he continued to walk down the hall. my blush quickly disappeared as I resumed to running down the hall towards mine and (Y/N)'s room once again.

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