Chapter 21

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Y/N's POV:

Opening your eyes you woke up from your sleep alone in your bed. Sitting up you rubbed your eyes and stretched out your limbs. Looking outside you could see the sun shining down on everyone outside and into your room. The sunrays were beautiful. Loving the sun you decide that today you will try out one of your dresses. You have no patrol duty today and it looked nice out so maybe relaxing in the sun with Damien would be nice. You stand up and walk over to your drawers.

When you opened your drawers you realise that Damien wasn't with you. He wasnt in the room or the bathroom. It was strange. Maybe Coach needed him or Rochelle asked for some help with finding a cure. You shrugged it off and started looking through your clothes. You pulled out a cute plain (F/C) dress that was a little frilly at the bottom with a laced top, also (F/C). It had a cute (S/F/C) ribbon on the waist that was tied into a bow. The dress was something you was saving for a nice quiet day but there really isnt a quiet day in a zombie apocolypse.

You grabbed your dress and some underwear and headed to the bathroom. Placing your clothes on the side you looked at yourself in the mirror. Small bags were forming under your eyes. It was to be expected because Damien wasnt the quietest of sleepers unless he was cuddling into you and you had stayed up late some days to help with patrols. The amount of infected doing... indecent things had seemed to decrease which was good. Damien seemed to be less twitchy and seemed back to normal too. Maybe the season was coming close to an end???

Either way you grabbed your toothbrush and started to brush your teeth. Hygeine was important here and you didnt blame them. That is the best way to stay healthy. Once you finished brushing your teeth you started to wash your face. Your (S/C) was starting to tan a little but you didnt care.

Finishing up on washing your face you grab a towel and start to dry your face and while still dressed in your pjamas you decide that now was a good time to do a little work out. You walk out into the bedroom and lay down on your back on the floor and started doing some sit ups. They were easy because you did it so much when you were younger until now.

When you had reached 100 sit ups you flipped your body over so you were now lay on your stomach and started doing 100 pushups. You was only going to do a small part of your daily work out so you dont lose any body mass. Doing your daily work out was one of the only happy things in life, minus Damien. Doing your work out made you feel good about yourself which was one of the reasons you kept doing it for all these years.

Once you had finished your push ups you stood up and started stretching your arms and legs in many different ways. Then you started to twist your body around and stretch your back. You then tried touching your toes before calling it a day with the work out. You headed back to the bathroom and give yourself a quick wipe down with a small washcloth to remove the small amount of sweat you had gathered.

You undress from your slightly sweaty pyjamas and wipe down your body with the washcloth. The soft fabric felt nice against your skin. When you was clean you put on your plain black bra with matching panties and looked yourself in the mirror. Your abs more more defined than when you first got here and your body still held its slim yet curvy figure.

Smiling at yourself in the mirror you grab your dress and put it on. The dress didnt have long sleeves, the lace covered your chest and shoulders and went down to your elbows. The (F/C) fabric fell down to mid thigh so your knees and lower were visible but everything else was not. The dress was slim fit so it fit snuggily around your waist and your chest. It was breathable and easy to move around in which is all that mattered.

Looking in the mirror you thought that maybe you would leave your hair down for the day instead of always having it up but you would still wear the headband just without it holding back your hair. Grabbing the hairbrush, you started brushing your (H/L) (H/C) hair and make it less of a mess. It took maybe 5 minutes to make your birdsnest of a hair flatten and look presentable.

Looking yourself over you felt like you should put on a little bit of make up. So you did. You put on your usual foundation and concealer but put on a natural smokey eye look instead of your usual black. and for your lips you just put on some lip balm so show off their natural colour.

Done. You felt cute. Cute was never a look you wanted to have because it would always get you attention. But this time you didnt care. You wanted to be seen. You wanted Damien to see you. You stepped out the bathroom and looked through your shoes. Which ones do you wear???

You wanted them to be comfortable and easy to take off and put back on. Practicality was always your main priority. Looking over your shoes once mote you decided on some nice comfy slip on shoes. They were the girliest shoes you owned so why not wear them.

You grabbed a pair of nude coloured tights and put them on along with the shoes. Before you had a chance to even check how you looked you heard a chirping from outside the door.

"Damien???" you said quietly as you stood up and mobed the ruffles out of your dress. The door slowly opened and there he was. Damien poked his head in and you could tell his face instantly went pink before he quickly hid behind the door and purred.

Giggling at his reaction you go over to the door and open it. This time it was your reaction that made Damien chuckle. Damien was holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers along with a beautful box. You blushed deeply, even your makeup couldnt hide it, and you held your hand ober your mouth as you gasped.

Damien held the gifts closer to you with the biggest grin on his face. You had never seen him so happy before. You just wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly. This did however take Damien by surprise as he almost fell back with you along with him but he managed to keep himself stable and wrap his arms around you the best he could.

"Gifts for you... I love you." Damien said as you pulled away from the hug and wiped away the stray tear falling on your cheek.

"I love you too Damien" you said as you kissed him gently on the lips with Damien happily returning it along with his adorable purr.

"Awwwwwwwwwww....." You quickly pulled away and saw a group of people had gathered around you and wittnessed the whole thing. Your face was more red than a tomato at this point and you grabbed Damiens wrist and dragged him away.

You dragged damien away from the group and eventualy let go of his arm. He smiled at you and he kept purring the whole time. You lead Damien outside and over to the feild area where there were no crops or medicinal plants growing.

You looked at Damien and sat down gesturing him to do the same. He sat down infront of you placing the flowers and box next to him and he suddenly cupped your cheeks and pushed his lips onto yours. You placed one hand on his and the other on his cheek as you happily kissed him back.

Damien slowly pulled away, his face now also beet red, and looked down slightly.

"S-Sorry (Y/N)... you look gorgeous," He said as he kept looking down fiddling with his thumbs. You giggled a little as you gently lifted his chin up to look at you and you smiled lovingly at him.

"I did this for you Damien. I wanted to look good for you considering its our day off hehehe " you giggled as he smiled and nuzzled his face into your hand. You really do love him. there was no denying the feelings you had for him.

You spent the next few hours lay in the feild with Damien and feeding eachother the chocolates and placing a couoke flowers in eachothers hair. The day was amazing. You couldnt ask for anything more. Damien took the opportunity to crawl ontop of you as you were lay in the grass and staring into the sky. He nuzzled your cheek and purred happily. You smiled and patted his head softly. You shared a soft and tender kiss before he gently pulled away and rested his head on your chest. It was the best day of your life so far.

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