Chapter 9

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Your POV:

The sight before you made you giggle. Damien was rolling around in the covers purring like crazy. Coach just stared in disbelief.

"You have a hunter... and he didnt attack you... hes rolling around on a bed..." coach said quietly and confused. He looked at you with a confused expression.

"Is he your pet???" He asked in a slightly stern tone. You blushed slighty and moved one of your hands behind your head.

"I-I guess so" you answered slightly nervous.

By now the rest of the group had joined you and also looked at Damien in disbelief. Their eyes wide and jaws dropped.

Damien turned and looked at the survivors and growled loudly and you rush over to him. You pet his head gently as Damien wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him and protectively still growling at the others.

Nick held his gun out as if to shoot Damien but Ellis and Rochelle stood in front of him.

"Please dont hurt him... he just wants to protect me. He hasn't hurt anyone!!!" You screamed at Nick tears now streaming down your cheeks as you held Damien closer.

Damien gently wiped your tears away, making sure not to hurt you with his claws. Nick watched this and slowly lowered his gun knowing he was outnumbered.

"Fine... but if he hurts ANYONE I'm gonna put a bullet through his brain!!!" Nick exclaimed glaring at you and Damien. You smiled slightly and pet Damien more.

"Thank you..." you said with a shaky breath.

Nick and the others walked away and headed back to the livingroom as you smiled at damien.

"You have to be nice now Damien. You cant hurt these people. They're our friends now. They will help us survive." You said as you stroked Damiens cheek softly. He purred and nodded his head slightly.

You stood up and went into the livingroom with Damien following behind. You went to your bag and looked through the duck tape you had. The others checked the supplies and started calculating how many days worth we had.

You found a duck tape covered in dinosaurs and was bright blue. You smiled and motioned Damien over who was sat at the doorway staring at the others.

He slowly came over making sure not to cat h anyone with his claws and sat beside you. You held out your hand and smiled.

"Pass me your arm please Damien" you said softly with a smile. He looked at his arm before putting his arm on your hand. You gently started to wrap the duck tape around his arm where his old duck tape used to be. You smiled and did the same to his other arm and his legs.

You looked at the others and whistled to get their attention. They all looked at you confused. You stood up and glared.

"So you dont accidentally kill Damien while we are outside I have given him a patterned duck tape. This way you can identify him over other hunters. If you see dinosaurs on a hunters duck tape it is most likely Damien. So keep an eye out" you said sternly glaring at them.

"That's a great idea (Y/N)!!! Wish I had come up with that" Rochelle said with a giggle at the end smiling. Coach nodded in agreement and smiled. Ellis just looked at you like he was in a daze before quickly nodding.

Nick rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing. You sighed and looked at Damien and smiled petting him. He started to purr and nuzzle his head into your hand.

You could hear someone awwing and looked to see Rochelle and Coach fangirling over you and Damien. This made you blush and look away.

"You guys are so cute!!!" Rochelle shouted and Coach agreed. You glared.

"W-whatever" you said. You could see Ellis glaring in annoyance but you didnt know what was annoying him. You looked in your bag at the supplies you had.

"Okay guys. Let's make a note of how much ammo, food, med kits, water and health related items we have" you said to the others.

For the next hour you, Rochelle, Coach and Ellis started to figure out how much supplies you had and roughly how long it would last while Nick glared at Damien. Damien however was fascinated with what you and the others were doing and tried to help by handing you cans of food or water bottles.

You could tell Coach and Rochelle were warming up to him but Ellis and Nick disliked him. You shrugged it off to them not being used to seeing a friendly hunter.

Once the supply check was done you smiled.

"Okay so we have plenty of ammo, 7 days worth of food, 10 medkits and some extra health supplies like toothpaste, spare hair bobbles for me and Rochelle to keep our hair out the way and spare clothes for everyone. Hygiene is important if you want to live" you said smiling and looking at the others. They all nodded and Damien nuzzles his face into your leg.

"You remind me of a cat" you said chuckling and smiling at him. Damien just purred ignoring what you said.

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