Chapter 17

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Your POV:

Its been a couple weeks since you woke up. You have started to regain your strength and stamina and have been doing your regular workout routine in order to quicken this. The doctor had given you the all clear so you decided to continue helping Coach with teaching the children about the different types of infected and how to deal with them without using conflict. The children loved hearing your stories and you enjoyed telling them. 

When you weren't helping Coach you helped with the gardening. You gave them a few tips on how to help grow the crops and how to tell if the soil was still fertile. When you helped with the gardening you would sometimes encounter Ellis. He seemed more relaxed around you now, less tense and you were glad. You knew you would be better friends now.

Sometimes you would go to the research team and help them develop different techniques in combat, how to befriend the special infected and you even donated blood to help them with the cure. You would sometimes run into Rochelle and you would catch up with her which was nice. 

Of course Damien had followed your every step. It was cute at first as he tried to make sure you didn't hurt yourself but it's starting to get annoying. He also started to stink so you knew he needed a bath and soon. 

Nick was the only person you hadn't seen though. You didn't quite like Nick anyway but you knew that to survive you needed to get along with him. He seemed distant though but that wasn't your concern. Right now all you could think of was cleaning Damien. 

You walked down the hospital corridor you was now placed in for permanent residency. It was much nicer than the hospital room. The bed was much softer and the room was just for you and Damien. The other people living in the campus still wasn't fully comfortable with Damien around and when you wasn't around he would whine and whimper until you finally came back to view. 

You walked into your room and waited for Damien to come bounding in behind you panting like a happy dog. You chuckled before closing the door and reaching into your bag for a change of clothes. You had helped with the gardening and Damien, being the dog like dork that he is, started digging into the ground making dirt fly all over the place. You and the others sat there giggling and shielded your eyes as you got covered in it. You all found it hilarious but you did tell Damien not to do it again.

You placed your clothes on the bed and found Damien a new outfit as well and placed it next to yours. You grabbed a few towels and placed them into the bathroom on the counter.

Damien's POV:

I watched (Y/N) as she walked into the bathroom and I slowly followed her. I poked my head into the doorway and my face instantly turned a beet red at the sight I saw. 

(Y/N) stood there, her back facing me, with her beautiful soft (H/L) (H/C) hair loose and a little messy and she stood there with her shirt off so all I could see was her beautiful soft (S/C) skin covered in patches of dirt and sweat dripping off her, glistening along her irresistible figure. Her (S/F/C) bra being the only thing blocking me from seeing her front.

I quickly moved my head out of the door and tried so calm down my now bothered manhood. It's difficult not to get like this when I see her like that. She is like a awe-inspiring angel, stood in a field of white roses, reaching her arms out for you to embrace as the flower petals fly around her through the wind. The loving smile on her face and the sun beams dancing along her skin making it sparkle like diamonds. I love her so much but she wont go for someone infected so I shouldn't even be bothered by this. 

I poke my head into the room again and blush even more as she now had no pants on and was now just wearing her matching underwear and was stood by the shower turning it on. I quickly moved my head away again and tried to control my breathing. What doesn't help is my instincts are screaming at me to let them take over but I don't know why. All I do know is that they are the reason my manhood keeps getting in this state. Maybe the infected have some sort of mating season???

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of (Y/N) angelic voice calling for me. I looked at the doorway to see her looking at me smiling. I hide my face into my hood as she spoke.

"Come on Damien. You need a shower. I will help you," she said with a slight giggle in her voice.

I crawled into the bathroom with her and sat in the centre of the room and managed to calm myself down a bit so it wasn't so obvious. She walked in behind me and closed the door behind her before she knelt down in front of me. 

"Let me help you with those," she said softly as she reached for my hoodie. She gently and carefully helped me undress until I was just in my underwear. I looked down so she couldn't see my blush and I heard her giggle. 

"Damien there's no need to be embarrassed. I've already seen you mostly naked remember hehehe." she said as she giggled. She stood up and stepped into the shower. I watched her and just sat there.

She motioned me to join her as the water splashed over her making her look even more irresistible than before. I fought back my urges and joined her. I stood up as best I could, so I was basically hunched over, and faced her.

That's when I noticed the pink tint covering her cheeks. I smiled softly at this and grabbed the bottle of shampoo and handed it to her. She took it and tried to fight the blush from deepening on her cheeks. It was adorable. She wet my hair before putting some shampoo on it and cleaning it. 

I stood there watching her smiling as she helped to clean to body. Once she got to cleaning my legs she blushed and handed me the sponge.

"Y-you can do your legs. I-I will wait outside for you so you can clean everything..." she stuttered and quickly exited the shower grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself and walking out the bathroom.

I sighed and took my underwear off before cleaning my lower half. I smiled at the idea of my river lilly being embarrassed to see me. Once I finished I hopped out the shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my stomach. 

I looked towards the door and chirped to (Y/N) to let her know I had finished. Shortly after she walked in with the blush still visible over her face as she looked down clearly embarrassed.

I walked over to her and gently grabbed her chin and softly lifted her face up to look at me. She looked at me with those precious (E/C) eyes sparkling and her breathing hitched a little. I smile softly before lowering my face down to hers and planting my lips against hers. Her soft, delicate lips kissed back making me purr. 

She wrapped her arms around my neck deepening the kiss as I placed mine gently on her waist pulling her closer. Our bodies against each other as we kissed passionately for what felt like forever. 

I gently licked her bottom lip begging for entrance in which she excepted. She parted her lips slightly allowing my tongue to slip in and explore her mouth. Of course this didn't go down without a fight. Our tongues fought for dominancy and surprisingly I won this round. She was moaning softly into the kiss before we slowly broke apart. Both breathing heavily and I looked at her smiling. My precious.

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