Chapter 19

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Damien's POV:

I crawled through the halls hunting for my friends. I walked towards the classrooms hoping to find coach there. Instead Ellis walks out of one of the side rooms and we lock eyes. I could sense he was happier than usual. 

I smiled at him and surprisingly he smiled back. This shocked me a little but I'm relieved. He clearly doesn't hate me anymore. I slowly crawl up to him and sit next to him and look up at him.

"Hello... Ellis" I greeted him the best I could with my limited vocals. His eyes widened and looked at me in confusion.

"Did you just say my name???" Ellis asked in disbelief. I nodded looking up at him and smiled. He blinks and shakes his head slightly before looking at me again.

"What can I do for you Damien???" he asked me looking at my grinning face. I stand up the best I can and hold my hands in front of me in the shape of a love heart. I look at Ellis and grin happily.

"Present... (Y/N)... need help," I say the best I could. He stands there holding his chin with his hand and pauses for a moment before smiling and looks at me with determination in his eyes.

"I know the perfect gift you can give her. Follow me," he said as he turned and started walking down the hall waving his hand, signalling for me to follow. I walk behind him curious as to where hes going to take me.

We walk for a while until we reach the supply room. Ellis opens the door and gestures for me to go inside. I hesitantly go inside and kneel down back into my crawling stance. I didnt realise how difficult it was to walk straight.

I look behind me and see Ellis closing the door and locking me inside. I pounce at the door and growl at him as he smirks.

"We should have put you down when we had the chance. Now you think you're in love with (Y/N) HAHAHAHAHA!!! Don't be pathetic!!!" Ellis shouted through the door as he laughed at me. We walked away leaving me inside the room.

I shriek loudly before I pounce against the door. This door was made of metal so it was much harder to break. I keep jumping and pounding my body into the door at full force but it wouldnt budge.

I sit back now breathless and growling at the door. How could he do this??? I thought we was friends??? I was too lost in angry thoughts to realise someone was walking past the door.

Their humming alerted me too them and I claw at the door and whimper. I couldnt see who it was until they unlocked the door and opened it. It was Rochelle!!!

I pounce on her and hug her tightly while puzzling her cheek purring. She stumbled back into the wall and giggled as she hugged back and petted me.

"Hey sport. Why was you in the supply room??? And why was it locked???" She asked me with confusion and concern in her voice.

I jump down off her and growl lowly. I look up at her.

"Ellis..." I say through gritted teeth.

Rochelle sighs and reaches her hand out to pet me on the head. I stop growling and look up at her.

"Why did he even bring you here???" She asked as she walked into the room and looked at the dints in the door.

"Present... (Y/N)... love!!!" I say excitedly as I could. Rochelle quickly turned to look at me, her eyes wide and her smile similar to the Cheshire cat.

"You two are a couple?!?!?!" She practically screeched. I covered my ears and nodded. She picked me up and hugged me so tight I felt like she was going to break my spine.

She spun me around and jumped around. She eventually let me down and ran into the supply room and started rummaging through it.

"I know exactly what you can give her!!! Let me see if we have some..." she said as she was knee high deep in food, clothes, equipment and other things I couldnt say as she buried them so fast.

"GOT IT!!!" She screamed as she held up a purple box. I looked at her confused until the smell hit me.

"Ch... choc... chocolate???" I say the best I could as I tilt my head confused. Rochelle nodded as she ran over to me and handed them to me.

"Girls LOVE chocolate. We can make a cute little box for them and decorate it" she said enthusiastically. I took the box gently from her hands and pointed at the mess she left.

She turned around and looked at it and shrugs and starts walking off down the hall.

"Someone else will clean it. I'm gonna go make a cute box for those chocolates. You go to the garden and see what flowers they have" she said before sprinting down the hall in a flash.

I sit there blinking and shook my head a little before holding the box gently in my mouth and I crawled my way through the halls and towards the outside area.

I open a door and the sun blinded me as I crawl over to the flower garden. There were a few scientists and gardeners there so I go over hoping they would help.

I tap a young lady, with brown hair that was up in a ponytail, on the shoulder gently so I didnt damage her clothes but enough so she knew I was there.

She turned around to face me and smiles.

"Oh hey damien. What can I help you with???" She asks as she pushes her glasses up her nose and smiles at me. I point at the flowers and hold my hands up to her in a heart shape.

"You want to give flowers to someone you love???" She asked making sure she got the information right. I nod quickly and she smiles and stands up wiping her hands on her pants.

"Well let's get picking!!!" She said happily and headed over to the flowers and grabs a pair of scissors on her way over.

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