Chapter 7

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Damien's POV:

My face was beet red. She saw me!!! She saw me trying to undress!!! This is so embarrassing...

I hit myself in the head and growl quietly. This is stupid. (Y/N) will never love me. I'm infected, I look horrible, terrifying, and I need to kill the uninfected to satisfy my urges.

I sigh and tear my hoodie off my body and goes over to the bathtub. I turn on the tap and start to fill up the bathtub. I watch it carefully and once it was finished I turned off the tap. I decide not to take off my pants as that was too much trouble. I get into the bath and shriek before jumping out of the tub and growl at it.

It was like I jumped into a volcano. The water was WAY too hot for me to handle. I wait for it to cool down and crouch down beside it.

Your POV:

You sigh and after 10 minutes of composing yourself you walk out of the bedroom. You walk down the hall and head to the lounge but you notice a splashing sound coming from the bathroom.

You walk over to the bathroom doorway and your eyes go wide. Damien was in the bathtub... he was washing himself.

You stood there frozen looking at him. The water washing away the dirt and blood from his body. His muscles more defined and larger than you remember. His grey skin glistening under the water as it flowed down his body. His tangled brown hair laying flat over his face.

You shook your head and cleared your throat, fighting the urge to blush at the sight. You clearing your throat caught Damien's attention as he turned around to face you.

"Need some help???" You said casually as your face showed no emotion and your eyes tried it's best too. You placed your hand on your hips awaiting his answer.

He looked down then back up at you and nodded slightly. His cheeks seemed to look red but you thought it was just the heat from the water.

You walked over to him and knelt down beside the bathtub and noticed he was wearing his pants. You smile and sigh in relief. You wasnt prepared to see your crush in "all his glory" just yet.

You grabbed a sponge and places some body wash onto it. You gently started scrubbing Damien's back. At first he was tense, a little confused but soon relaxed and started to purr. He seemed content and you smiled. You scrubbed away all the dirt and blood from his back.

Once you finished cleaning his back you shifted around so you could see the front of him. Your heart beat increased tremendously. You tried your best not to blush and managed to control your breathing.

You gently started to clean his shoulders and arms. You noticed some small scars running along his body but you didnt mind. You thought it added character to him. You continued to clean him and held his hand. You looked at his claws and you look at them curiously.

You start cleaning his hands and noticed his claws wear sharp yet hard and difficult to break. You looked up at Damien and blushes slightly as he was looking back at you.

You two stared at each other for what felt like minutes before you looked away and started cleaning his chiseled chest and abs. You start to clean him and once again was fighting back your blushing and controlled your breathing.

Once you had finished you stood up and grabbed some shampoo. You started to wet Damien's hair fully as he had missed some and you smile. You poured some shampoo into your hands and started to rub and massage his head and hair. You cleaned and untangled his hair before washing his hair out.

Damien's POV:

My face was as hot as lava. (Y/N) chest was right in front of my face as she helped clean my hair. I tried to control my urges and somehow succeeded in doing so. I looked away trying not to look like I'm some sort of pervert but my instincts were screaming for me to keep looking.

Your POV:

You finished cleaning his hair and smiles moving away from him.

"There. All done," you say smiling at him but you quickly stopped noticing you showed emotions. You looked away from him and noticed his torn up hoodie. You roll you eyes and look back at damien.

"I will be back with some clean clothes and a towel," you told him before walking out of the bathroom and heading back into the bedroom and opening the wardrobe. You grab a black t-shirt, a navy hoodie, black boxers and a pair of camouflage tracksuit pants. You fold them and go to the bathroom with the new items of clothing.

You place them on the counter and noticed Damien was still in the bath. You chuckle slightly.

"You can get out now" you say chuckling. He leapt out the bathtub and sat in front of it looking up at you.

You quickly walk off into the livingroom and grab a towel from your bag before returning to the bathroom and handing Damien the towel.

"Here. Use this to dry off then change into those clothes," you said as he gently took the towel from you. You walked out and headed to the livingroom. You sat down on the couch and sighed blushing deeply. You couldn't hold back your blushing any longer.

This just confirmed your suspicions you had since the first day you saw him... you was in love...

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