Chapter 12

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Damien's POV:

It's been weeks... we found (Y/N) in the hands of a charger. Let's just say the charger is no longer here and its remains are all over the parking lot of the supermarket. (Y/N) was barely alive when we found her.

Well here we are... at a working hospital with doctors, nurses and survivors all living in peace. Me however... I'm locked in a extra large dog cage in (Y/N)'s hospital room. I didnt care. I was able to check on her 24/7.

Zoey, Ellis and Coach would come visit her to check on her almost everyday but Nick was never to be found. He never cared about (Y/N) or me at all. All he cared about was making sure he survived and that his suit was always clean.

Today was a pretty quiet day. (Y/N) has healed well these past few weeks. Only a couple nurses had come in the check her over. Unfortunately I havent eaten anything since I've been here. I feel so weak so all I do is lay there resting and trying to stay awake to watch over my river lilly.

My stomach growls and I whimper in pain. I need to eat... but these stupid nurses dont realise I can eat human food too. I guess as long as I'm with (Y/N) it wouldn't matter.

Your POV:

You sat in the back of a car playing with a small white stuffed rabbit. You looked as if you were no older than 6 years old. You smiled brightly as you made the rabbits ears flop and played with its arms. You giggled and looked happy and content.

There was a woman in the passenger seat at the front of the car with a man driving. They both smiled but their eyes were dark. Their colours nonexistent like a shadow covered all evidence of their existence.

This felt familiar. You played with the rabbit before looking out the window of the car and seeing a real bunny on the side of the road.

When the car came to a stop you unbuckled your seat belt and ran into the oncoming traffic. All you wanted was to play with the rabbit.

Screams came from behind you as you looked into the headlights of a car close to you. Time slowed and felt like it would stop at any moment.

You felt a force push you forward towards the safety of the edge of the road. You fell on your stomach and grazed your knees and cheek.

You turned around to see the woman in the car get hit by a truck. Her limp body rolling across the floor before she lay there motionless in a pool of her own crimson blood.

"MOMMY!!!" you screamed as tears streamed down your cheeks. You had just witnessed your own mother be killed due to your actions.

The man from the car ran out and headed towards your mother before also meeting the same fate from a different driver. He also got hit by a car.

"PAPA!!!" you screamed as you reached out to them. The man was your father and now he too was dead. You watched in horror as the drivers got out of their cars and tried to help them. They tried to bring them back but nothing happened.

The rabbit jumped onto your lap covered in the blood of your parents.

Damien's POV:

I was fast asleep until I was woken from the sound of screaming. I jumped up and saw my precious river lilly screaming in horror, tears streaming down her face.

"MOMMY!!! PAPA!!! NOOOOOO!!!" She screamed. I have never seen her this panicked and scared. My heart hurt as I wanted to be with her to help her. She needed me!!!

I clawed at the cage door as the nurses and doctors rushed in to try and calm her. She's a fighter and pushed them all away from her.

I whimpered trying to open the cage to no avail. Just before I lost all my energy Rochelle rushed in and opened the door of the cage and looked at the doctors and nurses.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!" she screamed and the nurses and doctors did as they were told. I leapt up and pounced on (Y/N) sitting on her lap and holding her close. She instantly held onto me and sobbed into my chest.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... mommy... papa..." she sobbed into me for a long time. I hadn't noticed that soldiers had come in and pointed their weapons at me. I didnt care. I needed to help her. I cant let my precious river lilly suffer.

I purred softly helping (Y/N) to calm down and eventually fall asleep in my arms. I gently lay her back down and looked around and saw Rochelle.

I walked up to her and pointed at my stomach. She smiled and grabbed a multi pack of energy bars and some apples and placed them in front of me.

I stuffed the food into my hoodie pocket and crawled into the cage again. Rochelle closed the door and smiled.

"She will be okay. You eat and get your energy back. She will need you at 100% when she wakes up" Rochelle said softly and smiled locking it.

I nodded and began to eat and watched everyone else sigh in relief and lower their weapons before leaving. Seems they now know that not all infected are mindless freaks.

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