Chapter 6

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Hunter's POV:

I ran into another room, my heart pounding so much I thought my heart would beat it's way out of my chest. Her voice... she spoke... TO ME!!! Her voice sounded like thousands of Angel's singing a crying child a lullaby to help it sleep. It was sweet, calming and soft. She's so perfect.

I wonder if she likes the gifts I gave her. Well she is wearing it. Maybe we can stay here for the time being. Let her gather her strength. She most likely woke up at the hospital to this hell. She is wearing the last outfit I saw her in before I turned.

I crawl into the bathroom and try to stand up as best I could. I ended up slouched slightly as if i was mimicking an old person with spinal problems.

I looked in the mirror and took my hood off. I looked at my grey lifeless skin. I had a couple boils on my forehead and cheeks but that was about it. Most hunters scratched out their own eyes but I didnt. I chose to keep them incase I saw my water lilly again. My eyes wear now deep red wear the whites of my eyes wear and my iris was now yellow.

I sighed slightly and looked at my greasy hair. I probably stink of rotten flesh and death. I wonder if I use the same method (Y/N) did it would clean off the blood, mud and stench. I doubt it.

Your POV:

You placed your dirty clothes in the sink in the kitchen ready for you to clean them and placed your things back into the bag. You looked around wondering where the strange hunter disappeared to.

The more you changed around the hunter the more you felt comfortable with him around. You decided you would look for him and see what he was up to.

You walked down the hallway in search for him. You saw the bathroom door was still open and went over to close it. What you saw made you confused and curious at the same time.

You could see the hunter struggling to take his hoodie off and over his head. You giggled a little making the hunter stop and pull his hoodie down. He pulled his hoodie down so quickly that his hood fell down with it.

Your face became extremely hot as you blushed a deep crimson. It was him... it was...

Before you could take in anymore of his image he quickly pulled his hood up and looked away and you blinked before shaking your head. Your cheeks calmed and you looked away.

"I-I uh... t-thanks... for the headband... a-and the roses," you said shyly and embarrassed before running off into the bedroom again.

You slammed the door behind you as you could feel your heart pounding against your chest and your breath quicken. You leaned against the door and sighed softly to yourself.

It had to be him... it HAD to be didnt it... the one guy in that whole school you actually felt positive emotions to had to be a hunter and HAD to have found you.

It's been so long since you had seen him. He was kind and passionate to those he cared about. I heard him music when he played outside in the schoolyard and I would get jealous whenever he would be swarmed with girls screaming and cheering.

You wanted those feelings to continue but you knew that it would just bring you trouble. You tried to avoid him but fate would always bring him closer. You loved his voice. He was a siren and you the ship's captain. You would be entranced by his voice and your heart would pound and your cheeks flare with colour as you listened.

You started wearing lots of makeup to school to hide the fact you were blushing and ignored his singing as best you could but it was too hard. So when he performed you would sit in listening distance and pretend to read a book or do homework. It helped you get the fix of those positive emotions you needed and stopped others from thinking you were following him.

You slide down against the door and sigh hugging your legs. You needed to leave. You needed to leave him there and just run. But HE was in the way of your weapons and supplies.

You stood up and sat down on the bed and put your head in your hands. You wished you was back in that coma but you knew if you did you would have been ripped to shreds by the other infected.

There was no winning in this fight. Fate clearly brought you and him together but why???... you had questions but to answers.

It seems you and Damien were stuck together... until fate decides to release you from her grasp. Whatever you do you mustn't tell Damien of these emotions. You must wear a strong face and act cold hearted like you normally do. It's the only way you two could survive.

It's the only way...

Love Never Dies (l4d hunter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now