Chapter 23

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Damien's POV:

That was when I saw it... among the crowd of infected and enemies an all so familiar dress came to view. (Y/N)... she was being dragged towards the group of rivals by a smoker. Rage filled my body as I tried my best to run over to her side. I CAN'T LOSE HER!!!

That's when I saw who the smoker was dragging her to. Someone was stood by a van wielding a blooded baseball bat. I couldn't tell if they were female or not. They stood around 5'9" and seemed to have a slight masculine build. Dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, a plain black tee and a woman's leather jacket, they stood grinning evilly towards my river lily. Their face was clean shaven, piercing green eyes with feminine cheekbones and soft skin, all accompanied by jawlines only gods could get. They had jet black hair slicked back with a couple strands falling against their face. Their skin was slightly tanned and his eyes held insanity within them.

I crawled as fast as I could. I need to save her. Who knows what that freak will do to her. I watched as her unconscious bleeding body was thrown into the back of the van. That crazy freak gave me a devious grin before I felt agony spread throughout my body and my vision went black. A tank had threw me across the yard.

My vision came back momentarily and I saw the van speed off. I reached out my hand towards it groaning before loosing consciousness once again.

Y/N's POV:

Voices... that's all you could hear... mumbled voices talking to each other. Your vision was black. No light was seeping through. Just nothingness. Fear and anger filled your mind. You could tell you was tied down to a chair but that wasn't what angered you. THEY RUINED SUCH A PERFECT DATE!!! You just wanted ONE good day to remember through this hell hole and they RUINED IT!!!

Then pain surged across your face. However that slap helped you regain your sight. You slowly opened your eyes to see you was indeed tied down to a chair, your legs tied to the chair's and your arms behind the back tied together. The ropes burned your skin from how tight they were.

A bright light beemed into your eyes making you wince and look away. The room was dark other than the light which annoyed you even more. A hand grips your chin making you look forward as the owner of said hand was behind you.

Chuckles came from just behind the light making you glare in that direction. A figure approached you, their black hair slick back apart from a couple strands hanging infront of them. Their feminine attire making them look like a stereotypical butch lesbian. Looking at them some more you just knew they were male and were taking advantage of their feminine attributes. It was clever. You couldn't deny that much.

The male approached you and you could see the insanity in his emerald eyes as he stared deep into your soul with an evil smirk.

"So you're the famous witch tamer huh???... you tame witches... survive a charger attack with barely a scratch and a hunter lackie..." he spoke as he started to circle around you slowly as the person holding your chin let go and disappeared into the darkness. Knowing full well what situation you was in you knew this man meant trouble.

He suddenly stood infront of you, leaning over you, his face inches away from yours. You didn't flinch which seemed to surprise the man a little.

"Do you know why you're here (Y/N)???" he said in a curious tone.

"From how you introduced me I assume you want to know how to 'tame' witches and hunters... maybe all special infected for that matter but sorry love. I dont know how~" you said with a straight face.

The man suddenly had a knife in hand and stabbed you deep into your thigh making blood splatter everywhere. You did your best not to make a noise or flinch and curled your toes in your shoes and clenched your teeth looking at him with an unamused expression.

"Don't get cocky with me bitch... I'M the one who determines if you live or die here" he said with the look of rage as he clearly didn't like how you spoke or how you didn't react.

"I want to know everything you do and then I will let you go~... I don't care what it takes to get the information I want out of you~" he said with a sick, twisted and somehow sexual tone. This did put you on edge a little bit but you didn't let it show.

Looking at him square in the face not giving a fuck you responded with, "Well for starters a breath mint won't hurt. Might make the infected think you're one of them"

This did NOT sit well with him and he growled slightly as he twisted the handle making you yelp out in pain. This soon made him smile as he watched the blood pour from your leg. He backed away and grinned at you as he waved his hand heading out the room.

"Seems she doesn't want to co-operate. Fix up her leg and have fun boys~" he said laughing maniacally as he walked out. You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your neck and yelped again feeling a cold liquid run down your neck through your veins. You turned your head to try and bite the person who injected you but his arm was out of reach.

Your vision started to go fuzzy again. You felt light headed as you tried to fight the affects to see what these horrible people were about to do to you. They injected you with a sedetive so you knew it wasn't good. This fight was not yours to win. The last thing you saw was around 6 men grinning as they came up to you and your vision went black once more.

No one's POV:

Damien lay in a pile of rubble as the soldiers slowly started to regain control of the fort. They killed the infected that came in, common and special alike, and started to do their best to make sure the coast was clear.

However, there was a bigger problem inside. Sally was lay in the operating table, blood being pumped back into her as she somehow barely survived the attack and the surgeons and doctors were fighting hard to patch her back up. Her mother was screaming and crying outside the room begging them to save her. The room was guarded from survivors and infected alike. Sally lay there motionless with her heart beating faintly. Her heart beated so slow it was almost impossible to tell it was even there. But what they didn't know is that once Sally woke up... she wouldn't be Sally anymore and the only person who could help was gone.

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