Chapter 24

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Waking up was one of the last things you wish you had done. Your body now ached in agony. The sedative lasted long enough for someone to fix up your leg and bandage it but not long enough to know what the men were going to do to you. For what felt like forever they beat you. Punches... kicks... slaps.... you name it they did it. Your body was now left covered in bruises and cuts while blood splattered from your mouth. But that wasn't the worst of it. Along with rope burns both your ankles were broken. 

The pain wasn't the only thing you felt. Nausea was taking over too. This was weird as you hadn't felt this before. Your stomach ached along with it. Maybe it was because you hadn't eaten? Maybe it was a side effect from the sedative? You didn't know why but the feeling was getting worse by the minute. 

All of a sudden the door opened up showing the same man who stabbed you in the leg. A huge smirk plastered over his face as he walked up to you. He bent down in front of you and gripped the hair at the back of your head making you look up at him. You winced a little at the pain and the sudden movement of your head caused you to feel dizzy and the room to spin a little. The sound of your wincing made him smirk wider. He brings his face close ass he began to speak.

"How are you feeling tamer~? in agony i hope~... let me see how much pai-!" he couldn't finish his sentence as you violently puked all over his face and chest. This caused him to let go of your head and jump up backing away from you in disbelief and disgust as you continued to puke onto the floor by his feet. 

You hung your head low breathing heavily once your stomach had emptied itself of its contents. He stared at you in confusion and anger. He looked around the room and when he wasn't able to find what he was looking for he grunted loudly in annoyance and left the room without saying another word. You sat there trying to catch your breath and trying to remove the acidic horrible taste from your mouth.

After 5 minutes or so passed the guy returned with a woman pushing in a trolley with food on it. The closer the trolley got the more your stomach started to turn in knots. The woman grabbed a plate with slices of different meats and veggies and she brought them over. Once it was inches away you couldn't hold it in any longer and turned away from her and started puking once more. This took the woman by surprise and she quickly placed the plate down and went over to the man and started whispering to him.

You listened in on their conversation but couldn't make out everything. However, what you could make out was the mans name was "Alex" and from the way she spoke he seems to be the leader. Once she finished talking Alex's eyes widen and he looked over to you with concern in his eyes. He pushes the woman out of the way and rushes over to you and kneels down in front of you and cups your cheeks making you look at him once again but softer.

Your tired (E/C) eyes meet his now frightened green ones. He held you gently as if you would break any minute.

"How far along are you?!... did you know?!... are you alright?!" he whisper shouted at you but you was so exhausted from all the pain and puking that your vision blurred and the room started to spin. You tried your best to stay conscious and answer him but as the seconds ticked by it was getting harder and harder to do so.

"No... I... didn't..." you whispered weakly before falling asleep in his hands and your body falling limp.

Your eyes opened slowly and a bright white light gleamed into them. It took a few seconds to gather your surroundings but you soon realised you was in what looked like a nurses office. The room reminded you of a hospital ward but the room seemed to only have 4 beds and not much supplies. You tried lifting your arm but it was soon stopped by something pulling it back down. Looking down you saw you were cuffed down onto a hospital bed. You was in a hospital gown with wires all over your body along with a mask on your face giving you oxygen. That was when you noticed your feet felt heavy, you couldn't move them or see them from being under the covers.

Something moved in the corner of your eye causing you to look beside you within milliseconds. Your eyes widened as you noticed it was Alex. He must of been waiting for you to wake up. He moved over and sat down on the bed beside you. He looked worried... almost apologetic. You returned the look but with anger and annoyance. This didn't seem to bother him as he looked at you sighing softly.

"If I had known I wouldn't have been so cruel to you... Please forgive me..." he spoke softly but he seemed genuine. This took you by surprise so your expression softened before you looked away. 

"Sugar..." you said quietly but loud enough for him to hear you. He looked up at you with wide eyes.

"W-What?..." he asked in confusion.

"Sugar... to 'control' the witch you need to use sugary foods... She likes them... and just so you know... you cant control them. Just make them feel less aggravated around you..." you explained slowly turning your head to face him again. He looked at you astonished and unable to say a word, his mouth wide open as if to say something. 

You chuckled at his expression and he shook his head and sighed looking at you with a more stern face.

"This doesn't mean we're friends... far from it... your ankles are in casts because they're broken by the way... and doctors and nurses will be coming in to check on you and the little one... I will let you go home when you're able to move more and hopefully able to eat and not puke... " he said before standing up and walking out before you could even respond.

Little one???... what is he talking about???... am I???... there's no way!!!

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