Chapter 11

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Your POV:

It's been days. You've most reverted back to your old emotionless self but still feeling guilty for leaving Damien. You needed to get out of there. For his sakes.

You sat on a bed in an abandoned house and started checking your supplies. You had a couple days worth of supplies left and you sigh.

You put your backpack on your back and held your baseball bat in your hand heading out the door. You walk down the street looking around for infected or a building with potential supplies in them.

You look round a corner and smile seeing a supermarket down the street. You start sprinting in that direction until you heard sobbing and quickly skidded to a holt.

A witch walked out from an alleyway near the supermarket and slowly made her way across the street. Her clothes barely resembling underwear anymore. Dirt and blood covered her grey skeleton like body. Her long claws covered in dry blood and covering her face.

You reach into your pocket and sigh grabbing a bag of sugar cubes and a candy bar. The witch seemed to sense the sugar and started heading in your direction.

You knelt down and didnt approach her knowing it could cause her to rip you to shreds. You opened the bag of sugar cubes and the witch slowly started moving her hands away from her face and looked at you her cries slowly going quiet.

You gently threw a sugar cube towards the witch who then knelt down and picked up the sugar cube and ate it before looking up at you.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. You can have this. I will find some more for you if you like???" You said as softly as you could as you gently threw another sugar cube to the witch.

The witch picked up the cube eating it and stopped crying. She started crawling towards you as you grabbed a napkin from your pocket.

She sat in front of you as you handing her another sugar cube smiling softly at her.

"There you go. You dont need to be scared of me" you said smiling placing the bag in front of her. The witch looked happy with the sugar cubes making you smile in relief.

"Hey... do you mind if I wipe your tears???... you're to beautiful to be crying" you said showing the witch the napkin. You could see the slight blush on the witches face before she shook her head, giving you permission to do so.

You slowly and gently move the witches hair behind her ears and started gently wiping the blood, tears and mud off her face. The witch was indeed pretty. She was one of the pretty non popular girls from your school.

It was obvious she didnt remember you but it didnt matter. Once you finished wiping her face you sat back and smiled.

"There. You look amazing. Here. You can have this" you said as you opened the candy bar and passed it to her. She gently took it from you as to not catch you with her claws and starts munching on it. You smile and left the bag of sugar cubes in front of her as you slowly and carefully got up.

You smiled at the witch and waved.

"I will see you around" you said as the witch mimicked you and waved back before continuing to munch her candy bar. You walked off towards the supermarket and sighed, the smile quickly vanishing from your face.

You walked across the parking lot and headed to the entrance. The doors were open and some of the supplies were gone which was a relief.

You go through the isles and grab batteries, a flashlight, a small kitchen knife, more plastic utensils, canned foods, non-perishable packets of food and a sleeping bag and rope. You attach the sleeping bag onto the backpack with the rope.

You walk over to the medical isle and grab pain killers, bandages, band aids, antiseptic creams and medical tape. You go back to the bag and place all your things into the bag and goes over to the drinks isle and grabbing a multi pack of water bottle and go back to the bag placing them into it.

You put the bag back on and you could hear a gunshot from outside and a loud screech. You look up to see Nick had shot the witch you had helped earlier and her body was lay motionless on the floor. Your eyes widen before sprinting to the back of the supermarket knowing that Damien would be nearby.

You sprinted into the back and through the maze of storage and ran out the back double doors. Suprisingly it was empty. Or so you thought.

That was when you heard a loud roar from beside you and you turned to the direction of the noise only to be gripped by your waist and rammed into the brick wall.

You yelped in pain and looked at the culprit to see a charger had grabbed a hold of you. He started pummeling you down into the ground, the concrete cracking and breaking under you, your ribs breaking with every hit, and you screamed bloody murder in pain. Blood started coming out of your mouth and you coughed and screamed in pain before everything went black.

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