Chapter 10

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Ellis's POV:

Watching these two is driving me crazy. Why is this stupid hunter so close to (Y/N)!!! I hate this!!! She would never love an infected. She needs to be with a REAL man... she will be mine...

Your POV:

You smiled as you lay in bed cuddling Damien. It was weird. Over the last few days you had noticed your emotions creeping back up again. You liked having the emotions but you also were terrified.

You didnt want to hurt the others... you couldn't do that to them... you waited for everyone to be asleep. Including Damien.

You had no choice... you had to abandon them before they get hurt.

Once they were asleep you quietly and carefully got out of the bed and tip toed into the livingroom.

You grabbed a backpack and went into the kitchen. You started packing some of the supplies you and the group had. You grabbed 3 days worth of food for a single person, plastic utensils, 2 medkits, ammo for your pistols and shotgun, a spare knife and holstered your pistols, placed your multiple knives in there places on your belt and leg holster.

You sighed before grabbing your headband and put it on. You grabbed your health supplies like soap, toothpaste and your toothbrush and placed them in your bag.

You checked you had everything including water. Once satisfied you grabbed your baseball bat and walked up to the safe room door.

You quietly unlocked it and sneaked out and locking it behind you.

Before you changed your mind you sprint off out of the alleyway and ran deep into the dark night time street, which was abandoned.

The saferoom was soon out of sight and tears fell down your cheeks. This had to happen... you had no choice.

Damien's POV:

I woke up to find (Y/N) no longer lay with me. My heartbeat started racing. Where did she go???

I crawled over to the bathroom and see her things had gone and she wasnt there. I sprint around and look into every room. There is no sign of her.

I stand in the livingroom breathing heavily and screech in anger, fear and sadness. I screech loud enough that the others wake up and come running.

I knelt on the floor crying holding one of her shirts clutching it close to my chest.

Rochelle approaches me and kneels down in front of me. She places her hand on my shoulder and smiles sweetly at me as I looked up at her with my blooded tears streaming down my face.

"We will find her Damien... I promise... we all promise..." she says in an attempt to reassure me. The others had split up to gather the supplies and started to plan a route to take in finding her.

I just sat there sobbing and feeling the daggers in the back of my head from the glares Ellis was giving me. I didnt care. I wanted my river lilly back.

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