Chapter 14

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Nicks POV:

Life has been interesting there last few weeks. I've avoided the others like they were the plague. I couldn't care less for the others. Especially (Y/N), Coach, Rochelle and that stupid Hunter. Life has sort have returned to normal for me I guess... from before the whole country when to hell. I'm a lone wolf. I hate being in groups. The only reason I stayed with that group is because of Ellis... but all he cares about is (Y/N). He will never get a chance with her anyway.

I stand up from my bed and walk over to the window of my room and look out to the farming area of the base. The hospital is located to the outskirts of the city. Nothing is wasted here. There is a large wall made of concrete surrounding this hospital. I think the military took over this base shortly after the outbreak. There's a very large area used as a farm. We grow our vegetables and herbs there. 

This hospital is rather large so having its own farm sort of makes sense in helping to provide the food for everyone here. The wall always has people scouting it. making sure the stupid infected don't come barging I and turning us into a large human soup. You know what I mean. I think this place may actually make it through all this.

I yawn as the suns morning rays hit my face. I stretch my arms behind my back and sigh before heading to the bathroom connected to my room. My room is just a normal separated hospital room but still. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My hair looked messy but a quick shower will fix that.

I grab my toothbrush and begin to brush my teeth. I think I will help with the farming today. I have to help around or what's the point of even staying here. I need to do my part to secure my place among the survivors in this place.

Ellis's POV:

It's been a while since I've seen nick. He's just the person I need right now. I need to get (Y/N) off my mind. I found out the room Nick was staying in and headed to see him. Rochelle was busy helping with the laundry and Coach was helping to teach the children who live here. 

I walk down the corridor until I reach Nick's room. I sigh before knocking. The door opened to reveal a naked Nick only wearing a towel around his waist. I blush deeply and quickly look away. 

"S-sorry Nick. I-I just needed to talk to someone to help get my mind off things... I-I will come back at another time," I said nervously and was about to walk off until Nick grabbed my arm and chuckled. I turned back to look at him to see him shaking his head slightly with an amused smile on his face. It was a smile I hadn't seen before but somehow made my stomach flutter.

"It's alright Ellis. I just got out the shower is all. Come on in kid," he said as he stepped aside and gestured me to enter the room. I nervously nodded in agreement and walked in. I sat down on the bed as Nick closed the door behind me. He turned to look at me and placed his hand on his hip.

"So what do you want to talk about???" he asked and I look away trying to not look rude. 

"I-I heard (Y/N) woke up from her coma... I haven't seen her for about a week but I still can't get her off my mind..." I said as I looked down. My voice and facial expression saddened the more I spoke. 

I felt a hand gently touch my cheek and push my face upwards. Nick had gently placed his hand on me and made me look up at him. His skin was soft and he was inches away from my face. he was leaning down in front of me and his expression was loving. 

"I think I can help with that," Nick said smiling before crashing his lips against mine. I could feel electricity dance around my body. What is this feeling??? Is this love??? I thought I loved (Y/N) but I never felt this with her. I guess I was wrong. 

The feeling of his soft delicate lips on mine made me melt. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately and lovingly as he kissed back with just as much passion. We kissed for what felt like hours but was only for minutes at most. We broke our kiss, both of us breathing deeply.

"Nick... w... w-what was that for???..." I asked him breathlessly, my face as red as a tomato. He smiled sweetly at me and chuckled. 

"I helped you get your mind of things didn't I~??? Now all you will think about is my love for you Ellis," he said seductively and kissed me once again pushing me down onto the bed gently. I kissed back and blushed even deeper if possible. I loved his touch on my body, his lips against mine and the feeling of his hot breathe against my skin. I never want to leave his room again.


HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!! This chapter is dedicated to @_666weirdo666_ for reminding me. hope you like it. Let me know in the comments how well I'm doing. Thanks

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