Chapter 1

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Barrett: Tonight is a special night as it is the final show before the Royal Rumble.

Cole: we have title defences, a steel cage match, a last chance tag match between 10 men and a special appearance from former Royal Rumble winner the Undertaker..

Barrett: we'll get to that later but right now we have the Usos defending their titles against Sheamus and Drew McIntrye.


Undertaker and someone unknown to the rest of the roster arrive at the arena. They go to Undertaker's locker room.

*later that night*

Cole: it's time for the deadman.

Undertaker walks to the ring as slow as ever. He climbs into the ring and gets a mic.

Undertaker: i'm here for 1 reason and 1 reason alone. That is to introduce the only person i have ever trained. My adopted son, Jack Frost

when the beat drops a man walks out in strange clothes(the ones from the descrption). He walks down to the ring. He climbs in and gets a mic.

He raises it but as he goes to speak he is cut off.

Undertaker and Jack look at the ramp as Imperium walks out. They start walking down to the ring. Walter raises a mic.

Walter: how dare you, you come to Smackdown and and step into my ring. Show some respect.

Jack: Respect is earned not given you jackass.

The crowd cheers at that.

Jack: listen walter i respect that you want to bring the sport back to what the UK made it, but you are going about it the wrong way.

Walter: what would you know about this sport and the UK?!

Jack: i'm from the UK. I am the ADOPTED son of the Undertaker, so i know a whole lot about the UK. i also know that you claim to be the UK's best, i don't think so because you've never beaten me.

Walter: i don't need to beat you, i could do that with ease.

Jack: if you are so confident how about this. This sunday at the Royal Rumble you face me 1 on 1 for the Intercontinental Championship, no Imperium ringside.

Walter: no

Jack: why? are you scared that the newbie is gonna show you up and take your title? or is it because you know i could whoop your ass.

The crowd 'ooh' as Walter and Imperium look pissed.

Walter: you want my title? you got the match.

Jack Smirks. As Imperium talk amongst themselves out side the ring Jack hits a 'Tope con Hilo' to all 3 of them.

He slide back in the ring readjusting his mask.

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