Chapter 2

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*backstage at the rumble*

Undertaker and Jack are in Jack's locker room. Undertaker sits down on a sofa and starts talking.

Undertaker: so, are you ready for this?

Jack: of course i am, i've never been more ready dad. just a shame mum won't be here to see my match

Undertaker: she should be here soon Jack.

Undertaker's phone goes off. He looks at it

Undertaker: your mum's on her way, she'll see it after all

Jack smiles. He gets his ring gear and puts it on. He sits on the couch next to Undertaker as the show starts.

Hunter(Triple H) walks into the locker room. They both look at him.

Hunter: Jack i'd like to ask you something

Jack: fire away Hunter

Hunter: would you like to...

*later that night*

Samantha: This match is scheduled for 1 fall

Crowd: ONE FALL!

Samantha: Introducing first. From Vienna Austria, weighing in at 297ibs. He is the Intercontinental Champion, WALTER!!!

The crowd go crazy.

Samantha: And the challenger. From Liverpool England, weighing in at 225 pounds. JACK FROST!!!

The pair are in the ring staring at each other. Jack is holding the top rope on both sides leaning forward.


The bell rings. Walter runs towards him, Jack clotheslines Walter. Walter slides to a corner in absolute shock as well as the crowd and commentators.

Cole: nobody has been able to take Walter off his feet like that except for Braun Strowman!!!

Barrett: Holy crap!!!

Jack just looks at Walter and smirks.

*end of match*

Jack hits Walter with 'the iceage'(a sling blade into a backstabber). He's standing in the corner gearing up to hit 'Dooms day'(the hidden blade).

Just as he goes to run for the move, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci get on the apron distracting him.

While the ref deals with them Walter hits Jack below the belt. As the ref turns Walter hits Jack with a forceful 'Powerbomb'.

He pins Jack.

Ref: 1...2...3, RING THE BELL!!!

The ref hands Walter the title. He raises it.

Samantha: Here is your winner and still the Intercontinental Champion, WALTER!!!

The rest of Imperium climb into the ring and stand over Jack with their hands behind their backs.

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