Chapter 33

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*9 years later*

Triple H is standing in a ring with a side of ropes missing for the Hall Of Fame. Past and Present WWE wrestler are on the stage.

Triple H: to introduce our next inductee, please welcome Liv Morgan

Liv walks out to cheers as she walks to the ring in a nice dress.

Liv walks out to cheers as she walks to the ring in a nice dress

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She walks up the stairs and to the podium.

Liv: long time no see WWE universe

They cheer.

Liv: the man i'm here to induct is not only a great in ring talent but.

She puts her hand up showing her wedding ring.

Liv: an amazing husband. this man has gone through so much but is still as strong as ever. literally and in a metaphorical sense.

The crowd and people on stage laugh.

Liv: i'm serious, he can lift all 3 of our teenage kids at the same time. it's impressive, not the only people be lifts.

Everyone laughs.

Liv: anyway, the stories i have about this man since i've know him are endless. like last week caught him dancing and singing with our daughter Trinity, they were singing 'baby one more time' by britney spears

Everyone in the arena die laughing.

Liv: people say it's embarrassing to sing songs like that if you're a guy but like everything, he put his heart and soul into it. much like this sport, which is why i'm happy to induct my husband. Jack Frost.

Jack walks out to cheers. He isn't in a suit and tie like every other male wrestler there.

 He isn't in a suit and tie like every other male wrestler there

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