Chapter 24

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It's part the way through the show. Taz and Michael cole are seen at their desk.

Taz: our next match is bound to be an interesting one

Michael: that it will Taz, after what happened last week Seth Rollins issued a challenge to Jack Frost via twitter.

Taz: i guess we'll see if he accepts it or not

Samantha: this match is scheduled for 1 fall.

Crowd: 1 FALL!!!

Samantha: introducing first, from davenport iowa. he is the world heavyweight champion, SETH ROLLINS!!!

Seth does his little dance into the ring. He takes his title from around his waist then places it in the corner. He's waiting until...

Jack walks out in his gear and with his briefcase in hand. He walks to the ring and steps in. He place his briefcase in the corner.

Samantha: and his opponent, from Liverpool England. JACK FROST!!!

As the bell rings Jack and Seth stand in the centre. They shake hands then lock up.

*end of the match*

Seth is on the outside of the ring. Jack runs and lands a picture perfect tope con hilo. He throws Seth into the ring.

He slides in the hits seth with the icebreaker. He climbs to the top and lands the blizzard. He hooks Seth's leg.

Ref: 1...2...3, RING THE BELL!

The bell rings. Jack stands up and celebrates. He grabs Seth's title and his briefcase.

He hands the title to Seth then raises his hand as a sign of respect. He nods as he leaves the ring.

He's walking backwards up the ramp when someone attacks him from behind. He hits the floor, the one who tackled him starts throwing punches.

He blocks a few but is hit hard on the nose causing it to bleed. He kicks the person off, who turned out to be roman. He sees Seth super kick them.

Roman is on his knees. Jack hits the icebreaker the stumbles to his feet. He looks down at Roman.

Seth checks on Jack.

Seth: you good?

Jack: yeah, i'm good.

Jack grabs his briefcase and walks to the back. Like Raw he ignored everyone and went to his locker room.

He walks out when he is met by a lot of the roster.

Jack: please guys just let me go to the hotel

Becky: not yet Jack, there's a couple thing you need to know

Jack: and what are they? please make whatever it is quick so i can leave.

Liv: the first one has to do with me

Jack: i'm not getting into this infront of everyone.

Liv: Jack please listen

Jack: fine, what is it?!

Liv hands him a wrapped box. He looks at her confused. She signals to unwrap it. Jack rolls his eyes then unwraps it. What he sees shocks him.

Jack: what's this got to do with me?

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Jack: what's this got to do with me?

Liv: it's yours, i found out the day after our fight. i tried to tell you on monday

Jack is stunned. He looks between Liv, the others present and the positive test.

Jack: Becky you said there was a couple of things.

Becky: you're gonna want to sit down for this.

Jack walks into his locker room followed by everyone else. They all sit down. He looks around confused when all their expressions go to sad and a few are already crying.

Jack: what's going on?

Becky: you always said that you was friends with Paul Walker, right?

Jack: yeah, why?

Liv: we came looking for you when your phone started going off. we looked and saw the caller was called 'Cody Walker'

Jack: that's his brother, why did he call?

Liv: it's probably best if you find out from him, he asked us to get you to call him back.

He picks up his phone going to Cody's contact number. He calls him. Cody picks up.

Cody W: Jack, is that you?

Jack: yeah, i got told you tried calling?

Cody W: yeah, it's about Paul

Jack: what about him?

Cody W: he died earlier today

Jack: what?

Jack's eyes water and his voice breaks a bit. Everyone looks at Jack who doesn't show much emotion except happiness and anger.

Cody W: his funeral is next Friday, we want you to be there. his will is gonna be read after and he apparently left something for you.

Jack: i'll be there, i hope your all ok. how's meadow holding up?

He asks as his voice breaks again and a few tears leave his eyes.

Cody: she's ok, we're all at his and Rebecca's home.

Jack: i'm getting the first flight to LA, it doesn't matter how much you all say not to i'm doing it

Cody: ok, let us know when you are here

Jack: will do, see you later

Cody: see you later

Jack ends the call putting his phone down. He wipes his eyes then leans back on the sofa.

Liv puts her hand on his. Instead of pulling his hand away he turns it and holds her hand. She lets go and hugs him. She moves to his lao and tighten the hug.

Everyone leaves so they can have some space. Liv pulls out of the hug but stays on his lap. She uses her hands and raises his head so she's looking into his eyes.

Liv: are you going to be ok?

He nods.

Liv: do you want me to come with you?

He nods again. She holds one side of his face then kisses him. He kisses back. This lasts a few seconds before they hug again.

Liv: we should head to the hotel, get some rest then get the first flight we can.

Jack: ok

Liv: let's go

The pair get up and exit the room. They go to Jack's car and go to hotel. They get the room then go to the room. They change then lay in bed and fall to sleep.

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