Chapter 31

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*monday night raw*

Corey: we are in a sold out Anfield in Liverpool for monday night raw. Liverpool's own Jack Frost will be here with a massive announcement to end the show.

KP: i wonder what it could be Corey

*later in the show*

Jack walks out when beat drops Jack walks out. The crowd goes crazy for him, more than usual. He kneels down and taps the floor.

He gets up and walks to the ring.He steps in and gets a mic. He smiles looking around at all the fans.


They all cheer again.

Jack: it feels amazing to be back home in Liverpool and in the stadium of my favourite football team.

The crowd cheer. Jack points to the front row where there are a few of the Liverpool FC players.

Jack: lads, this season is yours. i'll be cheering for you at home probably upsetting Liv but oh well.

The crowd laugh.

Jack: which brings me to why i'm out here. tonight is the last time you will see me one Smackdown, Raw or NXT.

The crowd are confused.

Jack: before i go any further i'd like to ask my family who are in the front row to come into the ring.

Undertaker, Michelle, Liv and the kids all get into the ring. The kids had help obviously.

Trinity runs straight to Jack who lifts her up while Jason and Zack happily stand next their dad on either side.

Jack: tonight i'm both happy and saddened to announce that i will be retiring from wrestling.

The crowd, people backstage, Liv, Michelle and Undertaker are all a bit surprised.

Jack: inknow it may come as a shock to everyone but i've decided to hang up the boots and call it quits.

He puts Trinity down and asks the kids to go to Liv. They do and he stands in the centre while thoe others are in the corner behind him on the left.

Jack: when you get to a certain age you start to think about things like your health, your family and career. for me i'm happy with how my career has gone. it's had it's up and definitely downs but i'm happy with it.

The crowd clapped.

Jack: at the start of my career i got my ass whooped by The deadman himself when he trained me. i got here and found out me girlfriend at the time was cheating with a buddy of mine. i left for a while then come back and started dating Liv.

He waves her over. She comes over and hugs him with tears in both of their eyes.

Jack: then after that a photo went around which caused us to argue then spilt. a few weeks after i found out that Liv was pregnant with my kids.

He looks at Jason, Zack and Trinity who all giggled earning an aww from the crowd.

Jack: that same day i found out one of my buddies named Paul Walker had passed. the friday after when there and cried my eyes at during his funeral. i came back from that and did my hardest to make him proud.

The crowd clapped again.

Jack: between that i won money in the bank but never cashed it in. Roman got lucky that time.

Everyone laughs.

Jack: 5 years later i have 3 healthy and happy kids and make a massive return coming runner up in the rumble to a good friend of mine in Kenny Omega. weeks later i win the WWE championship, the only thing i've ever wanted to do in this industry. but i dropped it last night to Johnny Gargano, which was my call because i wanted to retire here tonight.

The crowd somehow cheer louder.

Jack: this is were i was born, right here in liverpool. i've said it before but undertaker is my adoptive father and Michelle is my adoptive mother. for a few years i was in an orphanage where i was mistreated and ran away. Undertaker took me back and adopted me on a UK tour when he was an active member of the roster.

The crowd cheer and clap for Undertaker.

Jack: that man saved my life that day. my real parents were drug addicts and alcoholics who left me at the orphanage, this man gave me a home and I'm thankfully to have been adopted by this man.

Jack tears up.

Jack: 3 months ago when i won the WWE title i knew when i lose it, that i'll retired. and that's tonight. i want to thank some people before i leave here tonight. i want to thank the people in this ring right now, you have all in one way or another given me a reason to never give up. thank you.

He looks at the ramp.

Jack: all the people behind that curtain who i have faced in matches. thank you for some if the best matches of my career, i'll never forget them and neither will you if you purchase the WWE network or use peacock where you can relive those matches.

Everyone laughs, including Jack.

Jack: i know they will never hear this but all the people who made this business what it is in generations long ago. all the legend and icon who have passed on. thank you to all of them who inspired me, and every other wrestler to do what we do today.

The crowd cheer and clap.

Jack: and last but not least, every fan here and at home who has ever bought a ticket to come and see us live out our dream. you all are the true superstars of WWE, because without you none of this would be here so thank you.

The crowd cheer and clap as well as the people in the ring.

Jack: there is one more thing i want to do before i leave here today and it has to do with Liv.

Jack brings her to the centre of the ring.

Jack: Liv i wanted to thank you separately to everyone else. you have helped me so much over the past few year. from when Gigi and i broke up, to when i had my crash, when the stuff with that blonde idiot happened. you helped me live a dream of mine in becoming a father. you have given me the second greatest honour anyone can ever have. but there is only one left.

Jack pulls a box out of his pocket then kneels down. He opens the box.

Jack: Liv Morgan, will you give me the greatest honour in the world by marrying me?

She tries to speak but can't so she nods. He takes the ring out of the box putting it on her finger then kissing her. The crowd as always chant something.


The pair laugh then kiss again. They hug when their kids run over. They kneel and hug them all in a group hug.

Jack release the hug then goes to his dad.

Jack: let's do the pose.

Undertaker: let's do it.

Undertaker and Jack both go to the centre of the ring and do the undertaker's kneeling pose he did for so many years.

They get up and all head to the back as Jack's theme plays.

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