Chapter 10

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Jack has just arrived in Pensacola Flodida, He is still being followed. He looks in his rear view mirror and recognises the car.

As he does this he hears a honk, he looks forward.

Jack: SHIT!

A car infront of him crashes into the from of his car. He flies out of the front window and slides across the road.

People rush over to him. Alex, Jamie and Tyler. The people in the car he hit run over unharmed

Jack is laying on the floor barely conscience. Tyler calls an ambulance, while the car that was following jack speeds off.

*2 days later*

Jack is exiting the hospital. He sees Alex, Jamie and Tyler. He smiles slightly.

Alex: good to see ya buddy, how ya feeling?

Jack: like shit, what actually happened?

Alex: well you and another car collided, you flew out the the car and skidded across the road. I'm assuming you got distracted by the car that zoomed away.

Jack: was it a white car?

Jamie: yeah, a white BMW. Why?

Jack: i know who's car that was

Jamie: who?

Jack: Enzo, Enzo Amore

Jamie: but why would his car zoom off like past us all?

Jack: i know something about him that he doesn't want people to know, he's afraid i'll tell people. He followed me from Houston to here before the crash.

Tyler: about the crash, you aren't gonna like the news about your car.

Jack: what about my car?

Tyler: it's unfixable, they can give it back but can't fix it.

Jack: so i got to get a new car?

Tyler: not exactly, we got you a new one. Follow us.

They see some nice cars.

Tyler: there is your new car

Tyler: ford mustang GT s500, with a Wing/spoiler

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Tyler: ford mustang GT s500, with a Wing/spoiler. and it's red like Liverpool.

~yes i'm a Liverpool FC fan, if you don't like it either fuck off or hate in silence~

Jack is smiling as he's handed the keys. He slowly goes over to the car. He gets in but leave the door open. He revs the engine.

He smiles and steps out.

Jack: it'll never beat the shelby, but i like it

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