Chapter 3

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Jack has just arrived in the backstage area. He walks to his locker room where michelle is now sitting with Undertaker.

He smiles and hugs her.

Michelle: sorry about the loss sweetie

Jack: it's alright, got something bigger planned for tonight anyway.

Undertaker: what do you mean?

Jack: you'll see

He smiles. Hunter comes in.

Hunter: it's time Jack, come on

Jack: right behind you

Jack runs out following Hunter, this leaves Michelle and Undertaker confused.

*later that night*

Cole: count down has started for number 4!

Corey: who is it?!

The crowd cheer.

Corey: the man who was unsuccessful earlier tonight

Cole: because of Kaiser and Vinci

Jack jogs down to the ring and slides in. Jinder Mahal goes for a clothesline but but jack ducks under.

Jinder turns around receiving a super kick from Jack. Elias is backed into a corner while Jack unleashes a flurry of punches.

Samoa Joe rolls over and up onto his knees. Jack hits 'doom's day'

He picks joe up and throws him over the top.

*35 minutes later*

Corey: count down for number 26 has begun.

The crowd goes ape shit as Kenny Omega walks out. Everyone in the ring is in complete shock.

Kenny removes his entrance jacket and sprints to the ring. He slides in and hits Johnny Gargano with the 'V-Trigger' then throws him over.

*end of the match*

The final 2 are Kenny Omega and Jack Frost. They are face to face. The people who watched NJPW are happy to see these 2 face to face, this was one of the biggest rivalries in NJPW history.

They start trading punches and kicks. Jack hits Kenny with an enzugiri. Kenny responds with a 'V-Trigger'. Jack hits a 'V-Trrigger' of his own followed by a super kick.

Kenny falls to his knees. Jack springs off the ropes and hits 'doom's day'. He picks kenny up and sends him over the top, kenny hangs on and is facing fans.

Jack runs and springs off the ropes again hitting another 'doom's day'. Kenny falls and hits the ground. The bell rings and Jack's music plays while the fans go nuts.

Smantha: The winner of the 2023 men's royal rumble match, JACK FROST!!!

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