Chapter 7

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Jack isn't needed for anything until the show next week so he went to his home in Pensacola Florida.

As he pulled into the driveway he saw Gigi's car behind him. He gets out of his car and walks to the front door.


Jack: go away cheater, you've caused enough damage

He gets to the front door when he hears a voice that makes him stop.


He turns back around. He marches over to Grayson and starts to punch him repeatedly. Several of Jack's neighbours pull him off and help him to the front door.

Tyler: Jack, explain what's happening

Jack: Gigi cheated with Grayson, so i started beating him when he stepped onto my property.

Tyler: Gigi, why are you hear?

Gigi: so i can talk this out with Jack

Jack: i don't want to talk to you, i made that very clear on monday. Now leave.

Gigi: this is my home too

Jack: the house is in my name, so no it's not. NOW LEAVE

Tyler: calm down Jack. Gigi, Grayson i'd recommend leaving. i'll help Jack get your stuff sorted and put out here by next week.

Gigi: i'm gonna make your life hell Jack

Jack: go ahead and try bitch

Tyler and a couple of his other neighbours who live with Tyler get him in the house.

*Thursday the next week*

Tyler, his brothers Jamie and Alex are standing out front with Jack. They have Gigi's things in boxes and bags by the garage door.

Gigi's car pulls up and stops. Gigi and Grayson exit the car.

Grayson: Jack

Jack: don't bother Grayson, just get Gigi's stuff and leave

Gigi: please can we talk about this?

Jack: no, just get your stuff into the car and leave.

Gigi and Grayson get her stuff in the car. She looks at Jack.

Gigi: Jack please, i'm begging you. i'm sorry

Jack: are you sorry, or sorry just because i found out. Leave Gigi, never come back.

He walks into the house. They are all standing there.

Alex: i've known him since year 3(3rd grade), even when his family members died he was never like this.

Jamie: You have hurt him Gigi, he did nothing but give you everything you ever wanted. Money, the car, a home to live in, someone to be there when you needed them. how do you repay him? You cheat on him with the only person he ever fully trusted.

Alex: you really are all those things he called you last week. We all agree with what he said, hope you rot in hell.

The 3 walk back to their home next to Jack's. Gigi and Grayson get in the car and drive away.

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