Chapter 25

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Everyone is setting out from the Walker Residence in LA. The cast of fast and furious are in the cars the drove in the films.

His brother Cody is driving the Mitsabushi Lancer, his other brother Caleb in in the 1994 Toyota Supra, Jack is in the 2000 Nissan Skyline. All the cars had the same designs as the films it was used in.

Everyone who is driving a car are around the hearse with paul in it. When they get to where the funeral is being held the cars all stop and rev the engines one at a time, once they've all fone it they do a 10 second rev at the same time.

They get out of the cars and walk over to the hearse. Vin Diesel, Cody, Caleb, Jack, Tyrese Gibson and Ludacris carry the coffin into the hall.

*after the funeral*

Executor: lastly we have Jack Frost. Paul has written here, 'to my dear friend Jack. i am leaving you my 2000 Nissan Skyline, 94 supra and Subaru WXR. i know that you loved these cars so i would like you to have them.'

Jack tears up when he's handed the keys. He holds them to his heart.

*at the air port*

Jack and Liv have hired freighters plane to help get the cars back to Jack's home in Pensacola. They are obviously on the plane and Jack makes a quick call to Tyler, Alex and Jamie.

Jack: i need help taking some cars to my place. i'll message you where to got to help me.

Jamie: got it, we'll help

Jack: thanks bro, i knew i could count on you

*in pensacola*

Jack and Liv have the cars waiting outside in the nearly empty. Theh sees Tyler, Alex and Jamie in Tyler's car.

They park opposite them who are leaning both against the hood on the Skyline. They ate smiling as they approach.

Alex: are these?

Jack: yeah Paul Walker's cars

Liv: Paul left them to Jack.

They look stunned.

Jack: me and Liv are going to take the Skyline, we need 2 of you to drive on each cause the other has to drive that one back.

Alex: i'll drive the Subaru

Jamie: i'll drive the Supra.

Jack: right when we get to our street, Jamie park the Supra on the drive opposite mine.

Jamie: why?

Jack: i'll explain later, just do it

They all get into the cars then drive to the house. Jack and Jamie park on the driveway Jack said to while Alex parks next to Jack's Ford Mustang GT500.

Jamie: why did you have us park these here?

Jack: well i now own this house as well as that one. I plan on moving us into this one because it's larger than that one.

 I plan on moving us into this one because it's larger than that one

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(the new house)

Jack: and extra room for the cars.

He puts his arm around Liv. She whispers into his ear.

Liv: i think you should ask them what we talked about

Jack: thank you for reminding me. Guys i've got some news and a question about the news.

Jamie: ok?

Jack: me and Liv are expecting a child or children soon

The guys all get hyped for their buddy.

Jack: we were wondering if you would like to be the god-fathers to the kid/kids.

Alex: hell yeah

Jamie: fuck yes

Tyler: you know it man

Jack looks at them smiling and tearing up. Alex speaks.

Alex: you good?

Jack: yeah, i'm gonna be a dad

The group all laugh and talk about the pregnancy like how far along is she, why they never said sooner and possible names.

They leave the couple to rest and get their bearings.

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