Chapter 5

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Corey: Welcome to monday night raw. Tonight we have the winner of the royal rumble match Jack Frost here tonight.

The crowd cheers as Jack walks out but not in ring gear.

Jack walks to the ring, he doesn't high 5 the fans like usual which catches everyone off guard

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Jack walks to the ring, he doesn't high 5 the fans like usual which catches everyone off guard.

Kevin: is it just me or does something seem off with Jack?

Corey: it does but what's up with him.

Jack gets in the ring and gets a mic from Mike Rome. He slowly walks around the ring.

Jack: i'm gonna get right to the point. i'm not talking to you as the character i've made, i'm talking to you are the real me. Something happened last night backstage when i was in my locker room. Can you put the image up on the tron.

The image Jack received appears.

Jack: what you are seeing is an image i was sent last night. for those who didn't know, i was dating NXT wrestler Gigi Dolan. But the man in the image as you can tell isn't me. It's a man i considered my best friend, no scratch that. I considered him family. That man in NXT wrestler Grayson Waller.

The fans are stunned silent, so is everyone backstage.

Jack: Grayson and Gigi i'm talking directly to the pair of you now. Grayson you were one of 3 people to help me through a dark patch in my life. I CONSIDERED YOU MY FUCKING BROTHER GRAYSON.

The fans are in shock as the wwe hasn't let anyone swear except for the word crap and rarely shit.

Jack: Gigi let me show you something.

He pulls a small box out of his pocket. He opens it revealing a ring.

Jack: a custom made engagement ring i had made, cost 50k to have made

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Jack: a custom made engagement ring i had made, cost 50k to have made.

Everyone in the crowd, watching at home and in the backstage are in shock.

Jack: i planned on taking you out on our anniversary next week and asking you to marry me. But last night i got that picture come through from Grayson. I want your parents, grandparents, cousins and friends to all know that you are a filthy, dirty, cheating little slag. scratch that. I WANT THE WHOLE WORLD TO KNOW. I HOPE THAT YOU AND GRAYSON BOTH BURN IN HELL, I HOPE YOU BOTH ENJOY YOU RELATIONSHIP AND I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE RUINED ANOTHER PERSON'S LIFE BECAUSE OF YOU SELFISHNESS.

Jack slams the mic down on the floor. He walks to the back in a mix of sadness and anger. He walks straight to his car and drives to the hotel.

Once at the hotel he goes to his room. He sits on the bed and turns his phone off. He takes his shoes off and lays on his bed. He falls to sleep.

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