Chapter 11

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Wade: Welcome to friday night smackdown. Last week after the show Jack Frost was on the way here early but got into a car accident. He is fine just a few cuts and bruises that required stitches.

Michael: despite that he is here tonight to reveal what actually happened.

The crowd is a mix of cheers and boos. Jack walks to the ring. He already has a mic. He climbs into the ring.

Jack: i'm gonna get straight to it. Last week i was in a crash, thankfully the people in the other car were fine. What lead to the crash was me getting distracted by a car that followed me from houston to near my home here in Pensacola, that's a nearly 8 hour drive. I know who's car it was, it was En-

Enzo Amore walks out with a mix of cheers and boos, more cheers as this is his return. He walks to the ring with a stupid smirk on his face.

Enzo: what we got over here? a hat-

Jack: shut your mouth right now Enzo. You are the reason i was in that crash.

Enzo: look man, i had nothing to do with your crash

Jack: you followed me for 8 hours straight, from houston to close to my home. Now i want to know, why the hell were you following me?

Enzo: you know exactly why you schmuck, you were going to tell people what we spoke about.

Jack: you know what. I wasn't going to because it was none of my business, but now i think i will. Enzo Amore is a ch-

Jack is caught with big boot to the face, the camera pans up showing Big Cass. Enzo slides in the ring and they start beating Jack until...

Jeff Hardy runs down to the ring making his return. He slides in and assists Jack fend off Enzo and Cass.

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