Chapter 30

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*2 months later*

Wrestlemania Sunday Jack is in the ring with Johnny Gargano in a match. He's defending his WWE title.

Gargano has Jack a headlock on the mat. Jack breaks out of it and sends Gargano into the ropes. As he comes back Jack drop kicks him.

*10 minutes later*

Gargano is on the apron. He jumps over hitting One Last Beat.

Gargano pins Jack.

Ref: 1...2...3, RING THE BELL!

The fans rooting for Jack are stunned while the ones rooting for Gargano cheer. Gargano celebrates.

Jack makes it to his feet. He grabs the title and a mic then gets in the ring slowly. Johnny doesn't know what to expect.

Jack: Johnny, well done.

He hands him the title.

Jack: you deserve it

Gargano thanks him then slowly puts the title over his shoulder.

Jack: one last thing, your nickname is no longer Johnny Wrestling. it's Johnny Champion.

Jack drops the mic then leaves the ring walking to the back. He is met by his kids and Liv. Trinity looks like she had just been crying.

Jack: what's wrong Trini?

Trinity: you lost you belt

Jack lifts her head up wiping her tears.

Jack: there is something i want you to remember, you can't win every battle. there is an old saying, grandpa taught me it. you win some and you lose some, but give it your all no matter what.

She nods. He looks at Zack and Jason.

Jack: i want you to remember that too. if you all of you remember that, then life becomes so much better.

All 3: ok dad

Jack: good, now how about we head to the hotel and get some sleep.

All 3: ok.

Liv comes over to him while the kids get their stuff. She gives him a quick kiss then smiles.

Liv: are you ready for tomorrow night?

Jack: as ready as i'll ever be

The pair share another kiss when the kids speak at the same time.

Kids: EEWWW!

The couple chuckle then exit the room with the kids.

Trinity: dad can you carry me?

Jack: sure sweety.

He picks her up and holds her on his hips as they walk to the car. They see michelle and Undertaker by their car.

Undertaker: hey, heck of match out there. proud of you

Jack: i know you are.

Trinity speaks.

Trinity: Grampa dad taught us a saying you told him

Undertaker: what saying would that be?

Trinity: you win some and you lose some, but give it your all no matter what.

Undertaker chuckles slightly.

Undertaker: took your dad a long time to remember that one, but it's true. always give it your all, life becomes better.

Zack+Jason: he said that too

Everyone laughs. Liv and Jack get the kids in the car.

Jack: dad, can you and mum come to the show tomorrow please. it's important, and i'll need you there.

Michelle: sure sweetheart, what's happening tomorrow?

Jack: you'll see

He gets in the car and drives to the hotel. The couple and 3 kids retreat to their room and go straight to bed.

Jack needed as much rest as he could get for tomorrow's show.

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