Chapter 19 *part 2*

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the bell rings.

Everyone looks at Jack. Ricochet runs at him but gets hit with a clothesline. He hits the floor then rolls back landing on his stomach.

Everyone else start to go at each other. Everyone but jack end up on the outside.

Jack springs up onto the top rope, once balanced he jumps and spins. He lands on the top rope then hits a moon sault.

*this but starting in the ring and to the outside*

He grabs a ladder from ringside and slides it into the ring. He slides in then sets it up. As he climbs up the ladder he sees Santos enter the ring.

Jack jumps to the side performing a moonsault, as he comes down be hits Santos with a DDT.

*this from the ladder*

As jack gets to his feet he's knocked off his feet by Edge hitting him with a spear.

*later in the match*
Jack is at the top of the ladder. Jeff pushes it. He lands on the top rope and hits a sawnton type move taking out almost everyone.

*10 minutes later*
Jack is outside the ring on the apron. Edge is gaining his breath after spearing the life out of Montez Ford.

Jack climbs to the top rope. He runs along the rope and hits Edge with 'The Icebreaker'.

*5 minutes later*

Jack is on the outside. Montez is climbing the ladder. Jack jumps onto the top rope, he leaps forward and hits 'The Icebreaker'.

The fans go ape shit. Jack gets to his feet and climbs the ladder. Once at the top he unclipped the briefcase.

The bell rings.

Samantha: here is your winner and new Mr Money In The Bank, JACK FROST!!!

He raises the case above his head as his theme plays. He climbs down the ladder and walks backstage.

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