Chapter 18

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*next morning*

Zelina, Santos, Raul and Joaquin stayed the night at Jack's. He's in his in house gym connected to the living room, only separated by a sliding glass door.

Zelina walks in.

Zelina: hey Jack

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Zelina: hey Jack

Jack: hey Zelina

Zelina: Jack can i ask you something

Jack: sure

He puts down the weights he was using.

Zelina: do you like Liv?

Jack: course i do, she's one of the nicest people backstage

Zelina: jack, you know how i meant that

Jack sighs and looks at her

Jack: yeah, i do like her.

Zelina: you should tell her

Jack: she wouldn't like me that way Zelina.

Zelina: not from what she's told me.

He looks at her in confusion. He takes a sip of his drink.

Jack: what do you mean?

Zelina: we were talking about you yesterday, i saw you looking at her when we were by the pool. When we went back to it after getting a drink, she kept looking at you.

Jack: she could have been looking at one of the others

Zelina: i asked her. she said she was looking at you, when i questioned her she said she likes you. the same way as what i asked you.

Jack: so you're telling me, she likes me more than a friend and co-worker?

Zelina: yeah, if you ask her out just make sure not to mention my name.

Jack: ok

*Later that day*

Zelina and the boys asked to stay again, to which Jack agreed cause the company could be nice.

The 5 of them are in the gym working out. Santos, Raul and Joaquin are on the tredmills, Zelina so doing box jumps while Jack is doing pull up.

Jack loses his grip and falls. He lands on his shoulder and hears a crack.

Jack: FUCK!!

The others run over to him.

Zelina: Santos call an amublance


*the next day*

The doctor walks into Jack's hospital room.

Doctor: how are you feeling today?

Jack: i'm in a lot of pain

Doctor: well you broke your collarbone in 2 places, so that's to be expected

Jack: how long will it take to heal fully?

Doctor: usually 12 weeks but that's for one break, where you have 2 breaks it's be 24 weeks

Jack: that's nearly 5 months!

Doctor: unfortunately so

Jack: just great, had a big thing planned now that's down the toilet

Doctor: you'll be better before you even realise it's been 5 months

Jack: let's hope your right

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