Chapter 27

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*9 months later*

Jack and Liv are sitting in the living room when Liv jolts forward in pain.

Liv: baby, it's happening

Jack helps her up and takes her to the front door. As he opens the door he grabs the keys to his Mustang. He helps Liv into the car then drives her to the hospital as quick as he can.

*hours later*

Liv is having a C-section so Jack can't be in the room. Just then Zelina, Raquel, Tyler, Alex, Jamie, Cody and Caleb walker all run in. They go over to Jack.

Caleb: is she ok?

Jack: they took her in for a C-Section

Zelina: she'll be fine, she's a strong woman.

Jack; she is

*a couple more hours later*

Doctor: Mr Frost?

Jack: that's me

Doctor: Liv has given birth and is in room 216, she should be perfectly fine in a few weeks

Jack: thank you

He runs to the room and sees Liv holding 2 babies. He walks in and Liv point to the side of the room where a doctor has a 3rd baby.

Jack: we had triplets?

Liv: yeah

Jack: no wonder your baby bump was big

The doctor hands Jack the 3rd baby.

Liv: got 2 boy here and you have the only girl their. The first boy came out fine but the other 2 were the difficult ones. They took the other boy out first then the girl.

Jack: poor girl, has 2 older twin brothers. what were names we said? i remember the girl's but i forgot the boys' names.

Liv: Zack and Jason were the boys. Trinity was the girl's name.

Jack: i'll remember it now

Liv: good

She chuckles as she says it. Liv and Jack don't realise but Zelina took a photo.

The couple share a kiss and a smile.

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