Chapter 1

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Noone's Pov

"I'm ready~!" Latte sang, dragging her luggage.

"Why do you wish to accompany us?" Espresso grumbled, crossing his arms.

"It's winter break, and there's no school, plus the Republic should have amazing weather and it's like a top vacation spot!" Chocolate Mocha exclaimed, and Cream Puff nodded. They added in some other random facts about the Republic they've heard of, before going off to chat amongst themselves.

Espresso stood in the airport place as cookies boarded to fly to other kingdoms and places. It was often crowded due to it being a new technology and it being winter break, like today, but they managed to get a guaranteed flight. Espresso assumed they got the opportunity for a private airship due to some strings Madelein's family pulled.

Madeleien's family also was a funder for this airport, meaning they were the ones who recommended building a specialized temperature control so the temperature would always be nice and cool, but never hot enough to burn. That was why Latte wore a flowy white dress that glittered with light brown sparkles while snow gently fell outside. Chocolate Mocha and Cream Puff wore matching tops but with their own palette choice. He heard that Madeleine would be wearing loose blue pants and a white v-neck top.

Espresso packed his usual attire in case something like a formal meeting came up, or dinner at a fancy restaurant, but Madeleine and practically everyone (Pomegranate acted like she didn't care and Red Velvet said anything was fine), begged him to wear something casual. Strawberry Crepe who lived independently but was often visited and cared for by Espresso, even threatened to have her Wafflebots to hide or destroy his clothes. They told him a billion times the Republic would be hot, which he already knew to his annoyance. In the end, he ended up wearing high-waisted black pants and a white low-collared shirt with a loose black jacket.

Espresso will admit, he would've most definitely wished to stay home but it would be discourteous to decline the invite. In addition, Madeleine's parents casually added that they would come and get the couple themselves if they didn't arrive there within two weeks.

Madeleine looked like he wanted to burst into tears from frustration and fear and his hand shook when he received the letter. After explaining to Espresso what was on the letter, he went straight to bed instead of continuing to watch animes together. Espresso couldn't continue watching MHA with his boyfriend sulking and ended up bitterly making coffee to destress himself. Whenever Madeleine talked about his immediate family, Madeleine's perky demeanor vanished. It was obvious that he had a crappy relationship with his family.

Thank gosh it was only his parents, his father's brother (Clotted's father), and his two siblings. Clotted Cream and Blackberry Cream Madeleine, his two cousins was on good and decent terms with Madeleine at least, and his three aunts spoiled him with love and affection. Although, I supposed that's a 5:4 ratio, meaning more family members were on rock terms with Madeleine.

How did Madeleine's parents react to Madeleine dating me when they first heard? Espresso thought nervously. I'm an Ex-cookie of darkness, a coffee magic user who was the closest classified to dark magic than other elements, not exactly well off, and biologically male>

Espresso has heard that Madeleine's family was one of the high nobles in the Republic.

What will they think of me?

Latte abruptly leaned into Espresso's ear and whispered, "Oh, also baby bro? Mother is there, so I might go and visit her... if you want-"

This comment made Espresso snap out of his thoughts and get him to become slightly agitated.

"I will not be visiting Doppia," Espresso scoffed, cutting off Latte before she could offer anything or defend herself, "Mother? I thought you were over that name."

A Lover Like Him (The Perfect Lover book #2) (Espresso CRK)Where stories live. Discover now