Chapter 5

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Madeleine's Pov [7yrs old]

"I told you many times already, stop playing with those poor kids," Strawberry Vanilla Madeleine scolded me as I trembled under her icy glare.

"But m-mommy, why? They just w-want to play-"

Strawberry Vanilla's hand flew and strike my cheeks, slapping me. I already knew there was going to be a bright red mark there. immediately tears sprung from my eyes and threatened to slip down my cheeks.

"They're poor, they don't deserve our time," She hissed, the word poor sounding like poison, "And what did I say about calling me mommy?"

"But mom- mother, you give all those orphanage kids money," I stuttered, trying not to allow the tears to fall.

She sighed in irritation, "Are you stupid? We only donate money to big groups to improve our reputation. Ugh, why can't you be more like your siblings?"

"S-sorry," I said miserably, not understanding what I did wrong.

"Go practice your sword techniques more," Strawberry Vanilla snapped, "If I see another 2# place-"

She stalked away muttering angrily. When she left the room I crumbled to my knees and the tears I tried to hold fell. I clutched my burning cheek which throbbed like crazy. It felt hot yet cold due to my tears.

Why did my mother and father dislike me so much? I wondered, sniffling and curling into a ball. I didn't understand their logic. Saphire and Damien always make fun of everyone who isn't 'worthy.' Aren't we supposed to be kind? What is worthy then, is its first place? Why does the Divine allow this?

"Damien is doing good as usual, but why did give birth to such a failure?" Cream Madeleine's voice growled in annoyance from down the hall.

Hearing this, I burst into another fit of tears. Why di-

"MADELEINE!" A voice yelled, and the image of my mother's office desk shook violently and turned into a blur of brown and light.

I blinked several times until my eyes adjusted to the light. It was just a memory, I thought, my eyebrows scrunching up, They're all liars, they aren't true followers of the Divine.

"Hmmph, deciding to fall asleep first thing we get to this hotel, hm?" Espresso scoffed, crossing his arms, "You fell asleep on the couch and we're getting stares."

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly.

"Can you please sign in to our reserved rooms?" Espresso sighed, "And if it's alright, may we invite everyone for dinner? They all said they haven't eaten yet."

"Of course! I'll sign in and prepare that right now!" I declared, the toxic memories slowly dissolving.

No one's Pov (With Cream Puff and Chocolate Mocha)

Chocolate Mocha handed Creampuff her jellybean ice cream with sprinkles before taking her coffee ice cream topped with chocolate drizzle from the ice cream server. Both of them thanked the worker before leaving.

"The Republic is cool, right?" Chocolate mocha remarked licking her ice cream.

Cream Puff nodded in agreement, "There are so many places to explore!"

A Lover Like Him (The Perfect Lover book #2) (Espresso CRK)Where stories live. Discover now