Chapter 13

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Madeleine's Pov

I strolled along the road and then froze, my eyes catching the little pond at the bottom of the slope. It was filled with children laughing, attempting to catch dragonflies and snarfing down sweets. It appeared lively... 

...yet also appeared to be separated.

The groups of children were divided pretty noticeably. Rich clumps, poor clumps, middle class clumps.

I walked down the stairs and some kids made way for me. I sat down on one of the cleaner patches of grass that didn't have as many random pine cones, mud, and sticks. I sighed nostalgically and looked up into the clear sky with a bright sun.


"Coffee Bean! Haha, it's back again!" I laughed as I watched the dragonfly land onto the mysterious boy's coffee pudding I bought him for the 10th time in the past half hour.

Suddenly the dragonfly burst into flames which looked brighter than the sun. The remaining children still playing at 5 Pm took one look at the ablaze dragonfly, shrieked, and ran away. I screamed too as I watched the dragonfly's limp body, now as black as charcoal my parents used for punishment, flutter to the pond, motionless. Sugar sapped out of the few parts of its body which barely shone with its once sugar crystal green wings.

"No! HOW COULD YOU?!" I screeched, tears collecting in my eyes.

"It was just a dragonfly," The boy said casually, and he shrugged his shoulders, "May I add that it kept landing on the food?"

Even though his hood was covering his eyes like usual, I could tell he wasn't sorry at all!

"But- but-" I stuttered incredulously before bursting into tears.

"Ugh, can you please not make so much noise?" Coffee Bean huffed.

I ignored him and continued to sob as my shoulders shook violently. Big fat tears dripped down my face and down my chin before splattering onto my clothing. I knew I'd have to explain to my parents later and they'd get angry, but I couldn't stop crying at the poor death of the dragonfly that didn't need to die.

"You can't just kill it!" I wailed, furious at how he didn't get it, "I-I, hate you Coffee Bean!"

"How childish, and for the last time, my name isn't Coffee Bean you dimwit," He scoffed.

My anger grew at how nonchalant he was acting and that I didn't know what dimwit meant.

"What's going on?" My sister's voice said, cooly.

"Yeah, your idiotic and annoying voice can be heard from miles away," My brother Damien's equally cold voice growled.

I sniffed and bit my lips, trying not to cry as hard anymore. I looked through my watery eyes and saw my siblings, dressed in matching creme and blue outfits, saunter towards us.

My first instinct, despite being angry at upset at my mysterious friend, was to grab his wrist and place myself between him and my sister and brother. I noticed that both Saphire and Damien had new keychains, and my sister had a speck of blood on her crystal baby blue nails. 

They beat some cookies up since they were jealous I bet.

Why would the adult cookies call them angelic jewels when they weren't angelic at all?

"You're playing with another poor peasant?" Saphire sniggered and I found myself tense up, hiccuping, "Hehe, you'll never get far in life!"

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