Chapter 8

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Madeleine's Pov (Still in memory/dream)

"Madeleine sir, is that you?" A voice called out quietly from the darkness.

I froze, terrified. Why did I lose track of time? I thought angrily, my heart pounding furiously. I didn't know what to do, so I stood, not moving.

It was 2 in the morning, which was the latest I'd been awake and not in my room. The longest I've snuck out. I was in the corridor outside my door, sneaking back from my stargazing trip.

Hmmph, why didn't the boy wake me? I huffed not noticing the footsteps coming closer to me. All he did was leave a note beside me which I only saw after waking up because duhh I was asleep!

But he said he'd return the next day if I taped his sticky note onto the mirror in my room. I thought, my heart feeling weird and fluttery again. But he also did write:

- I must leave now as it is midnight

And he didn't wake me up.

I began a mini-debate on if he has become nicer to me when suddenly I felt myself get picked up by the armpits. I yelped and I heard the person say shh.

I quieted down, my brain knowing automatically it wasn't my parents or siblings. The person creaked open the door and gently sat me down on my huge bed. They were gentle with me, like I was delicate.

"Nana?" I guessed tentatively.

The lights flickered on and I looked up to see a cookie stroll toward me. She was an older cookie around 40 who had lemon-yellow eyes and white hair with light yellow streaks. I let out my breath in relief, seeing it was Nana.

Nana was different from the other workers in the manor. She was assigned specifically to care for me along with other duties. Her name was Lemon Cheesecake Cookie, but she never acted sour at all. She was sweeter than all the cookies in the manor, and although I never said it out loud, she felt closer than my mother did to me.

Well, I wish she was my mummy. If I did something reasonably wrong, she'd only gently scold me. She never raised her hand at me or her voice.

Maybe It was because her position wasn't high, but she didn't report to my parents my bad behaviour. She didn't have a snobby personality like most of the workers here who I knew talked behind our backs.

She was certainly nicer than Mum.

"Madeleine," Lemon Cheesecake said, "You shouldn't sneak out."

"Sorry," I mumbled and she sighed, lightly placing a hand on my cheeks.

"You didn't catch a cold, thank the divines," Lemon Cheesecake said, "It's a good thing I found you sneaking back in and not your parents, huh?"

"Yep!" I exclaimed proudly and she hushed me again.

"You should go to sleep Madeleine sir," Lemond Cheesecake said before correcting herself, "Oh, I mean Madeleine."

I wouldn't have corrected her even if she called me Madeleine sir, but I was happy she remembered I liked it when she just called me by name. Too bad my parents, siblings, uncle, and other servants won't like it or allow it.

My nana turned to walk away but I grabbed her hand before she could. I still had so much to tell her! My nana looked down at my tiny hands clasped over her larger hands which was two times the size of mines and gave a small chuckle.

"Madeleine, you really should sleep now," Lemond Cheesecake said.

"But I wanna tell you about the mysterious boy I met!" I declared, giving her a determined pout.

A Lover Like Him (The Perfect Lover book #2) (Espresso CRK)Where stories live. Discover now