More Than Friends (Russia x America)

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Six-year-old Ivan Braginsky is crouched in the sandpit at Summer Hill Elementary school, digging up the sand with a green shovel and placing it in a little yellow bucket. A small smile on his face as he plays by himself, wondering when he'll make any friends in this new country his family moved to.

Ivan moved from Russia to the United States about four months ago, he doesn't understand why but his Mama says it was for the best. His English has gotten better since the move, he can understand what people say just fine but he still has a heavy accent, and many people struggle to understand what he says, especially the other children in his class, hence why he hasn't made any friends yet.

Ivan often plays by himself like this, he knows his teachers are worried and have asked other students to play with him, but they never want to include him, always complaining that he is scary. Ivan hopes that one day he won't be so lonely, that someone will come along and want to be close to him.

As the little boy's mind is consumed with these thoughts, his bucket is kicked out from under him.

"Why are you digging sand like a baby?!" A little boy yells, hovering over him

Nick if Ivan remembers correctly, followed by his two friends Josh and Chris

"Yeah, the sand pit is for babies!" Josh agrees

"Please leave me alone," Ivan mumbles in his heavy Russian accent

"Speak English! I can't understand what you're saying!" Chris yells

"Yeah, this isn't Russia you're not allowed to speak Russian!" Nick adds

Ivan stands up, but he is still shorter than the three boys. His heart races as the other boys take a step closer and he takes a step back, certain he is about to be punched.

"Hey, you buttheads, why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" A little boy yells from across the sandpit, causing the four boys' heads to snap toward the voice

There a little boy with blond hair, glasses, and a missing tooth stands with his hands on his hips.

"Hero mode activate!" The little boy yells before running across the sandpit at full speed...

...before falling flat on his face in front of the four boys, he doesn't waste a second though, and stands straight back up, brushing the sand off himself.

"I'm ok," he says "Now, leave him alone!"

"Alfred go away!" Nick yells

"No, you're bullies, and I won't let you be mean to anyone!" Alfred exclaims, taking another step in front of Ivan

"Then we're going to beat you up!" Chris shouts

"Not if I beat you up first!" Alfred replies, lunging forwards and pushing Chris to the ground

Nick and Josh quickly get pulled down to the ground as well and the four boys scuffle in the sandpit, pulling hair and kicking until the teacher on yard duty finally notices what is going on and runs over.

"Alfred, Nick, Josh, and Chris, stop this immediately!" She yells, attempting to physically separate the boys "What on earth has gotten into you four?"

"They were bullying him miss! They were going to hit him!" Alfred yells, pointing to Ivan

"No! We were jus' talking to him!" Nick shouts back

"Right well, I'll be telling your classroom teacher about this," The teacher states "I imagine he will be giving your families a call."

"But miss!" the four boys yell in unison, Ivan remaining silent

"No, I won't hear it," She states, "You're lucky I'm not immediately sending you to the principal's office, now go play on separate sides of the yard please."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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