Depressed!Student!Romano x Fem!Student!Reader-Ti Amo

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Italy-Feliciano Vargas
Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

(Y/n)-Your name
(L/n)-Last name
(H/l)-Hair length
(H/c)-Hair colour
(H/s)-Hair style
(F/o)-Favourite outfit

Third person P.O.V.
Lovino loves his brother, he really does. Feliciano will always be his younger brother and nothing will ever change that but he is also the bane of Lovino's existence. It's hard when the one you're closest to is the one who causes you the most issues.

He loves Feliciano in a brotherly way but hates the attention he receives. Ever since Feliciano was born Lovino has been ignored and mistreated by everyone, no matter how hard he tries he will never be as good as his little brother.

His grandpa took Feliciano away when they were very young making Lovino ask himself why he couldn't go to. He was left in the care of a Spanish family with a boy about his age, Antonio. This family was nice but they weren't Lovino's family, but his grandpa didn't want him.

That was the first rejection he had. The second time was just after he could see his brother again and the entire Carriedo family fussed over Feliciano leaving Lovino in the dust. His grandpa died shortly after that so he never got to see him again.

In the time he was five Feliciano learnt to draw, paint, cook and dance making people fawn over him and bow to watch him. Lovino tried to paint, he doesn't have any talent in that department, in fact poor Lovi can seem to find any of his talents at all.

Leading up to high school Lovi learnt to stay back from Feliciano and not talk to anyone about his own accomplishments because people will compare him to Feli. He put walls up around himself and made sure no one could get in.

Now he is in high school and is bullied relentlessly. His family no longer cares about him since they have Feli. Antonio tries to talk with Lovi but he has other friends and commitments. Since Lovino had no way to express his anger and depression he turned to cutting himself, it gave him a change to let out some of his pain.

Romano's P.O.V.
I pull the sleeves of my long-sleeved shirt down as I walk with my back pack on. I look up to see my brother and Antonio talking like everything is normal. Of course to them everything is normal...

I don't want to go back to school today, the people are all idiots and they don't stop comparing me to Feliciano. I know he's better than me in everything but people don't need to keep reminding me. I place a hand in my scarf pulling it up to get more warmth.

"Hey Lovi are you ok? You've been really distant lately." Antonio says slowing his pace down to meet mine

"Of course I'm-a ok tomato-bastard!" I say turning my head away

The last thing I need is him making fun of me or telling everyone I'm depressed. I can handle it on my own.

"If you say so, but remember we are like brothers." He smiles "You can tell me anything."

"Whatever, if I have-a something to tell you I will-a tell you."I say picking up my speed

Soon enough the school comes into view and I see a gang of students out he front. That's one of the gangs who likes to beat me up. I slow my pace a little and match up with Feliciano and Antonio. They won't hurt me as long as I'm with these two idiots.

"Everything alright fratello?" Feliciano asks me


"Of course, I just-a felt like I should wait for you two or you-a could get lost!" I say really trying to hide my true intentions

Feliciano is in all the advanced classes so we aren't together, of course he's smarter than me. I head to my classroom and take a seat. I should practise drawing.

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