Brother!Italy Bros x Fem!Reader x Ireland (Republic of)-Brothers And Boyfriends

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(A/n):Requested by Bunnielover23 . I had so much fun writing this one.

England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Italy-Feliciano Vargas
Romano-Lovino Vargas
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm sitting on my boyfriend Liam's lap in my bedroom. He snuck into my room a few minutes ago and my brothers are asleep. It's the only time we get to spend together without making my brothers suspicious, except for school.

Since it's school holidays though I can't see him much. Both our families are very invested in our lives so we choose to keep our relationship secret. Feliciano would probably ask a thousand questions and Lovino wound resort to murder.

"Hey (Y/n), do you think we should tell our families?" Liam asks in his Irish accent

"I don't know, what if they keep us apart?" I reply

"We'll find a way." He says kissing my forehead

I snuggle closer to him and close my eyes.

"Maybe it would be for the best, I don't have to feel guilty around Feliciano and Lovino anymore." I say "How about I bring you over for dinner next Friday?"

"I like that, but what if Lovino tries to murder me?" He asks

"I'll make sure he doesn't." I say and giggle as Liam trails kisses down my cheeks onto my neck

He sucks on one spot and begins to create a hickey. Suddenly we hear footsteps and in under five seconds Liam has jumped out of my first story window and I'm in bed with the covers up to my neck.

The door opens and I can see through my squinted eye it's Lovino.

"(Y/n)?" He whispers

I pretend to groan and sit up.

"Did I wake-a you?" He says walking over to me

"Yeah but it's fine." I reply as he sits on the bed next to me "Umm Lovino I'm bringing someone to dinner on Friday night."

"Why are you-a telling me now?" He says confused

"Because I want you to have some time to prepare yourself, don't be rude or mean to him." I say

"Wait him?" He says shocked

"Yep, now goodnight." I reply laying back down

He looks shocked and angry but doesn't push the subject any further. Probably being to tired. He walks out of my room and closes the door. As he does Liam pops out from under the window and I quietly walk over to him.

"Hey." I whisper

He leans down to me and presses his lips to mine. I kiss back, only pulling away for air.

"See you Friday." I whisper

His mischievous green eyes seem to glow in the moon light.

"See you Friday." He replies and kisses my forehead before disappearing into the darkness of the night

I watch for a few seconds and then close my window and curtain. I crawl into bed and close my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

*Time skip to Friday*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sit nervously in the couch and Lovino glares at me and Feliciano is aggressively stirring the spaghetti.

"Why wouldn't you-a tell us you had a boyfriend?!" Lovino asks

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