France x England-Pick Up Lines *Lemon*

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England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy

England's P.O.V.
I look over to Francis flirting with one of the servers during the world meeting. Why does it hurt so much? Is it because I'm annoyed he isn't paying attention and adding to the noise? Or is it something else?

Francis glances towards me and I quickly look down to my work, blushing. Maybe I don't like his flirting with others for some reason But what? I hate that French bastard.

'No you don't.' A voice in my head whispers

"Yes I do." I whisper to myself

"You do what?" A voice asks me

I jump and look towards my right where Alfred stands looking at me curiously.

"Nothing." I whisper and look away from him as well

"Is something going on dude?" He asks

I shake my head and sigh.

"Has Francis ever flirted with you?" I ask

"No, why?" He replies

"Just curious." I answer "I think this meeting is going to end soon."

"Yeah you're right, I'm going to go pick a fight with Russia." Alfred states and walks of

I facepalm and sigh a he walks over to Russian and a few seconds later they are yelling at each other. I glance back over to Francis who has since stopped talking to the maid and is now making his way over to me.

"Bonjour mon doux lapin." He says taking a seat next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist

(French:Bonjour mon doux lapin-Hello my sweet bunny)

"What do you want frog?" I ask

"I noticed you staring at me earlier, where you jealous by any chance?" He questions

"Of course not, you bloody wanker." I reply

"Well zhen,do you know any good bakeries around? Because I would like to 'ave a cutie-pie like you." He says kissing my cheek

I want to slap him but I stop myself, why do I feel happy?

"Ugh you bloody frog." I say resting my head on the table in my arms

He places his fingers in my blond hair and I take a peak at him.

"What's wrong mon petit lapin, did I embarrass you?" He asks smirking

(French:Mon petit lapin-My little rabbit)

"O-Of course not!" I exclaim

"Well zhen, you wouldn't mine if I told you some more pick up lines." He asks "Like, did you sit in a pile of sugar, because your ass is pretty sweet. Or did it 'urt when you fell from 'eaven."

"Stop it." I whisper trying to hide my red cheeks

He moves closer to me and just as I turn to face him Germany yells that the meeting is over. I sigh in relief and just as I stand up Francis pulls me towards him by my waist.

"Come on mon petit lapin, why don't we go look around the streets of Rome?" Francis asks

"Fine, sounds fun I guess." I mutter and follow after him

We walk out of the building and head for a restaurant, with Francis' hand on my waist. We sit in one of the booths and order our food. While waiting it get really quiet and I begin to panic.

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