Russia x America-Rivals *Lemon*

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(A/n): Requested by Indigo_Human. I come from Australia so I don't know much about college. If you want to explain anything to me please leave a comment or send me a private message so I know for future reference. Please be respectful though.

England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy
Canada-Mathew Williams
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

Third Person P.O.V.
World academy, one of the best colleges in the world. Known for amazing academics, great athletes and high graduation rates. All of these things cause high rivalry's between the students.

There are always battles to be the best at sport, academics, music and all other things that a school could possibly be god at. Because this is a college there are dorms which sometimes cause issues of their own. Especially if the dorm mates are rivals themselves.

There are students who come from the same high schools that were friends there but because of the high rivalry hate each other. If you have friends keep them close as this school could ruin your friendship. students who already don't like each other can cause massive issues.

America's P.O.V.
Wow my first day at world academy. This is going to be so exciting and I'm going to learn so much. Wow I sound like such a huge nerd. Oh well I'm excited. I can't wait to see my dorm, hopefully I'll like my dorm mate.

I open my map of the school on my phone and make my way to the male dorms. I open the door and see that the room is bare except for two beds on opposite sides of the room, two desks and two wardrobes. A small kitchen and there is a bathroom with a shower, sink and a seperate room with a toilet and sink. Thank goodness they separated them so we don't need to wait for each other.

I pull my suit case out and begin to unpack my clothes. They told us to bring our own bedding so I brought blue sheets, a Captain America quilt, and my Captain America pillow cases. After making my bed I unpack all my clothing and school supplies.

I pin up my Superman and Captain America posters and then look back at my work. The finlay thing I do is place all my textbooks on my desk and sit down on my bed. My phone has finished chagrin's so I text my older brother Mathew that I have settled in.

My dorm mate still hasn't arrived, I wonder who he is going to be. Hopefully he is nice and likes Captain America. Hopefully not anything like my high school rival Iv-


I turn my head sharply to the door and see a male that is tall, over six foot, with platinum hair, violet eyes, and a light pink scarf. He has a childish smile but his face hardens when he sees me.


My high school rival. We hate each other. We have never gotten along and we were always surfing, I stand up to try and establish my dominance but it's hard when he towers over you.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Vell zhis is my dorm." He replies walking in with a suitcase behind him

"No way, I'm not sharing a dorm with you." I say walking out of the door

"Vhere are you going?" Ivan asks

"The principal, I will change doors so I don't have to be with a person like you." I say and turn around

I make my way the the principals office which is close to the dorm sections. Hopefully he will help me get away from that freak.

*Time skip to an hour later*

Ivan's P.O.V.
After unpacking my things I lay down on my bed, of all people why did I have to room with Alfred. He is the last person who I would ever like and I definitely don't want to be around him anymore. Hopefully the principal allows him to move.

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