Iceland x Hong Kong-Snapchat

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(A/n): I don't know what Hong Kong's last name is so I used Yao's

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(A/n): I don't know what Hong Kong's last name is so I used Yao's. If you know please leave a comment. I'm using the western version of  their names.

China-Yao Wang
Denmark-Mathias Køhler
England-Arthur Kirkland
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Hong Kong-Leon Wang
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

Iceland's P.O.V.
I'm stuck in another stupid world meeting. I just want to go home. Germany is yelling at everyone, America and England are fighting about some stupid thing and Belarus is attacking anyone within a five meter proximity of Russia.

I sneak a look over to where China and his family are, they seem to be having fun. China is tightly hugging Japan who looks like he wants to die. North and South Korea are messing with China's panda and Taiwan and Vietnam are whispering together. Macau and Thailand are just observing what is going on and finally my eyes settle on a pair of brown ones.

It takes me a second to realise that I'm staring into Leon's eyes like some high schooler with a crush. I try to look away but Leon's eyes are just to captivating. He smiles at me and I almost smile back but I get distracted.

"-land!" I hear someone interrupt "Iceland!"

I turn to see Mathias and Lukas staring at me. Mathias is smirking at me and I can feel a blush starting to for on my cheeks.

"Is someone eyeing up Hong Kong?" Mathias asks

"You better not be, you're to young to date." Lukas adds

"What are you two talking about?" I sigh "I'm not doing anything of the sort!"

"Come on Emil, you have to admit," Mathias begins "He is good looking."

"Sh-Shut up!" I say blushing

Germany finally manages to get everyone to be quiet and we begin the meeting. While the other nations are talking about what we are going to do for the Olympics I keep sneaking glances to Leon.

Leon and I have been friends for a while and we message each other a lot but I find it hard to talk to him. I always blush and get nervous, I don't understand what this means though. Mathias says that it's love but I don't believe him. Tino agrees with him but he did fall in love with Berwald who's kind of weird so I don't know if I should take that advice.

After the world meting when everyone is packing up I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and I am met with a pair of big brown eyes that seem so warm.

"L-Leon?" I ask a little shocked but my face then goes back to its stoic expression

"What's up?" He asks smiling "I saw you like, from across the room."

I manage to keep a raging blush under control and smile awkwardly at him.

"O-Oh, well did you need something?" I asked

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